This feature is available in v2.5.43+.  If you are running large syncs make sure your daemon has a lot of memory and that large jobs do not run at the same time

You can provide your own SQL or you can sync between another grouper and the SQL will be automatic

If you are doing the automatic sync the source Grouper needs to be v1.6+

Example from training environment

  1. Get the env up and running, identify some folders to sync.  Lets get the app:vpn and the ref folders

  2. We need a database connection to that database from our database

  3. Note: you need a consistent subject source = ldap = EDU Ldap 
    subjectApi.source.ldap.types = person
    subjectApi.source.ldap.adapterClass = edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.subj.GrouperJndiSourceAdapter
    subjectApi.source.ldap.param.ldapServerId.value = grouperTrainingLdap
    subjectApi.source.ldap.param.SubjectID_AttributeType.value = uid
    subjectApi.source.ldap.param.SubjectID_formatToLowerCase.value = false
    subjectApi.source.ldap.param.Name_AttributeType.value = cn
    subjectApi.source.ldap.param.Description_AttributeType.value = cn
    subjectApi.source.ldap.param.VTLDAP_VALIDATOR.value = ConnectLdapValidator
    subjectApi.source.ldap.param.SubjectID_AttributeType.value = uid
    subjectApi.source.ldap.param.SubjectID_formatToLowerCase.value = false
    subjectApi.source.ldap.param.Name_AttributeType.value = cn
    subjectApi.source.ldap.param.Description_AttributeType.value = cn
    subjectApi.source.ldap.param.subjectVirtualAttribute_0_searchAttribute0.value = ${subjectUtils.defaultIfBlank(subject.getAttributeValueOrCommaSeparated('uid'), "")},${subjectUtils.defaultIfBlank(subject.getAttributeValueOrCommaSeparated('cn'), "")},${subjectUtils.defaultIfBlank(subject.getAttributeValueOrCommaSeparated('exampleEduRegId'), "")}
    subjectApi.source.ldap.param.sortAttribute0.value = cn
    subjectApi.source.ldap.param.searchAttribute0.value = searchAttribute0
    subjectApi.source.ldap.param.subjectIdentifierAttribute0.value = employeeNumber = (&(uid=%TERM%)(objectclass=person)) = SUBTREE_SCOPE = ou=people,dc=internet2,dc=edu = (&(employeeNumber=%TERM%)(objectclass=person)) = SUBTREE_SCOPE = ou=people,dc=internet2,dc=edu = (&(|(|(uid=%TERM%)(cn=*%TERM%*))(uid=%TERM%*))(objectclass=person)) = SUBTREE_SCOPE = ou=people,dc=internet2,dc=edu
    subjectApi.source.ldap.internalAttributes = searchAttribute0

  4. Configure the sync to grouper from the training env

  5. Run readonly and see report.  There is an abbreviated report in the daemon job message in the UI.  If you configure it above to log full report, you will see it in the daemon logs.

    differences: 2236
    changeCount: 0
    errors: 0
    stemInserts: 9
    groupInserts: 27
    compositeInserts: 1
    membershipInserts: 2197
    groupPrivInserts: 2
    stemInsertNames: TreeSet size: 9: [0]: app:vpn
    [1]: app:vpn:security
    [2]: app:vpn:service
    [3]: app:vpn:service:policy
    [4]: app:vpn:service:ref
    [5]: ref
    [6]: ref:dept
    [7]: ref:employee
    [8]: ref:iam
    groupInsertNames: TreeSet size: 27: [0]: app:vpn:security:vpn_ajohnson409_mgr
    [1]: app:vpn:service:policy:vpn_authorized
    [2]: app:vpn:service:policy:vpn_authorized_allow
    [3]: app:vpn:service:policy:vpn_authorized_deny
    [4]: app:vpn:service:ref:vpn_adhoc
    [5]: app:vpn:service:ref:vpn_ajohnson409
    [6]: app:vpn:service:ref:vpn_consultants
    [7]: ref:community
    [8]: ref:dept:Accounting
    [9]: ref:dept:Accounts Payable
    [10]: ref:dept:Advising
    [11]: ref:dept:Business
    [12]: ref:dept:Computer Science
    [13]: ref:dept:Engineering
    [14]: ref:dept:Financial Aid
    [15]: ref:dept:Information Technology
    [16]: ref:dept:Language Arts
    [17]: ref:dept:Law
    [18]: ref:dept:Physical Education
    [19]: ref:dept:Purchasing
    [20]: ref:employee:fac_staff
    [21]: ref:fac_staff_student
    [22]: ref:faculty
    [23]: ref:iam:active
    [24]: ref:iam:global_deny
    [25]: ref:staff
    [26]: ref:student
    compositeInsertNames: TreeSet size: 1: [0]: app:vpn:service:policy:vpn_authorized
    membershipInsertNames: TreeSet size: 10: [0]: ref:dept:Business - sbutler930
    [1]: ref:dept:Engineering - clopez383
    [2]: ref:dept:Engineering - mnielson343
    [3]: ref:dept:Financial Aid - kdavis686
    [4]: ref:dept:Physical Education - mgrady967
    [5]: ref:faculty - kthompson169
    [6]: ref:faculty - thenderson914
    [7]: ref:staff - ehenderson862
    [8]: ref:staff - mlewis390
    [9]: ref:student - awhite318
    groupPrivInsertNames: TreeSet size: 2: [0]: app:vpn:service:ref:vpn_ajohnson409 - app:vpn:security:vpn_ajohnson409_mgr - readers
    [1]: app:vpn:service:ref:vpn_ajohnson409 - app:vpn:security:vpn_ajohnson409_mgr - updaters
  6. Run read/write and see changes

    differences: 2236
    changeCount: 2236
    errors: 0
    stemInserts: 9
    groupInserts: 27
    compositeInserts: 1
    membershipInserts: 2197
    groupPrivInserts: 2
    output: ArrayList size: 2236: [0]: Success inserting folder 'app:vpn
    [1]: Success inserting folder 'app:vpn:security
    [2]: Success inserting folder 'app:vpn:service
    [3]: Success inserting folder 'app:vpn:service:policy
    [4]: Success inserting folder 'app:vpn:service:ref
    [5]: Success inserting folder 'ref
    [6]: Success inserting folder 'ref:dept
    [7]: Success inserting folder 'ref:employee
    [8]: Success inserting folder 'ref:iam
    [9]: Success inserting group 'app:vpn:security:vpn_ajohnson409_mgr
    [10]: Success inserting group 'app:vpn:service:policy:vpn_authorized
    [11]: Success inserting group 'app:vpn:service:policy:vpn_authorized_allow
    [12]: Success inserting group 'app:vpn:service:policy:vpn_authorized_deny
    [13]: Success inserting group 'app:vpn:service:ref:vpn_adhoc
    [14]: Success inserting group 'app:vpn:service:ref:vpn_ajohnson409
    [15]: Success inserting group 'app:vpn:service:ref:vpn_consultants
    [16]: Success inserting group 'ref:community
    [17]: Success inserting group 'ref:dept:Accounting
    [18]: Success inserting group 'ref:dept:Accounts Payable
    [19]: Success inserting group 'ref:dept:Advising
    [20]: Success inserting group 'ref:dept:Business
    [21]: Success inserting group 'ref:dept:Computer Science
    [22]: Success inserting group 'ref:dept:Engineering
    [23]: Success inserting group 'ref:dept:Financial Aid
    [24]: Success inserting group 'ref:dept:Information Technology
    [25]: Success inserting group 'ref:dept:Language Arts
    [26]: Success inserting group 'ref:dept:Law
    [27]: Success inserting group 'ref:dept:Physical Education
    [28]: Success inserting group 'ref:dept:Purchasing
    [29]: Success inserting group 'ref:employee:fac_staff
    [30]: Success inserting group 'ref:fac_staff_student
    [31]: Success inserting group 'ref:faculty
    [32]: Success inserting group 'ref:iam:active
    [33]: Success inserting group 'ref:iam:global_deny
    [34]: Success inserting group 'ref:staff
    [35]: Success inserting group 'ref:student
    [36]: Success inserting composite 'app:vpn:service:policy:vpn_authorized
    [37]: Success inserting membership 'ref:dept:Engineering', 'ldap', 'mnielson343'
    [38]: Success inserting membership 'ref:dept:Physical Education', 'ldap', 'mgrady967'
    [39]: Success inserting membership 'ref:staff', 'ldap', 'mlewis390'
    [40]: Success inserting membership 'ref:student', 'ldap', 'awhite318'
    [41]: Success inserting membership 'ref:faculty', 'ldap', 'thenderson914'
    [42]: Success inserting membership 'ref:dept:Engineering', 'ldap', 'clopez383'
    [43]: Success inserting membership 'ref:dept:Financial Aid', 'ldap', 'kdavis686'
    [44]: Success inserting membership 'ref:staff', 'ldap', 'ehenderson862'
    [45]: Success inserting membership 'ref:faculty', 'ldap', 'kthompson169'
    [46]: Success inserting membership 'ref:dept:Business', 'ldap', 'sbutler930'
    [47]: Success inserting membership 'ref:dept:Business', 'ldap', 'pvales202'
    [48]: Success inserting membership 'ref:community', 'ldap', 'jlewis235'
    [49]: Success inserting membership 'ref:dept:Financial Aid', 'ldap', 'elewis961'
    [50]: Success inserting membership 'ref:community', 'ldap', 'lgrady119'
    [51]: Success inserting membership 'ref:dept:Advising', 'ldap', 'jclark540'
    [2227]: Success inserting membership 'app:vpn:service:ref:vpn_ajohnson409', 'ldap', 'bsmith458'
    [2228]: Success inserting membership 'ref:student', 'ldap', 'awhite522'
    [2229]: Success inserting membership 'ref:dept:Accounts Payable', 'ldap', 'lbrown571'
    [2230]: Success inserting membership 'ref:faculty', 'ldap', 'sroberts309'
    [2231]: Success inserting membership 'ref:dept:Law', 'ldap', 'egonazles92'
    [2232]: Success inserting membership 'ref:dept:Accounting', 'ldap', 'cdoe834'
    [2233]: Success inserting membership 'ref:faculty', 'ldap', 'ldoe594'
    [2234]: Success inserting privilege group 'app:vpn:service:ref:vpn_ajohnson409', 'g:gsa', 'app:vpn:security:vpn_ajohnson409_mgr', updaters
    [2235]: Success inserting privilege group 'app:vpn:service:ref:vpn_ajohnson409', 'g:gsa', 'app:vpn:security:vpn_ajohnson409_mgr', readers
    stemInsertNames: TreeSet size: 9: [0]: app:vpn
    [1]: app:vpn:security
    [2]: app:vpn:service
    [3]: app:vpn:service:policy
    [4]: app:vpn:service:ref
    [5]: ref
    [6]: ref:dept
    [7]: ref:employee
    [8]: ref:iam
    groupInsertNames: TreeSet size: 27: [0]: app:vpn:security:vpn_ajohnson409_mgr
    [1]: app:vpn:service:policy:vpn_authorized
    [2]: app:vpn:service:policy:vpn_authorized_allow
    [3]: app:vpn:service:policy:vpn_authorized_deny
    [4]: app:vpn:service:ref:vpn_adhoc
    [5]: app:vpn:service:ref:vpn_ajohnson409
    [6]: app:vpn:service:ref:vpn_consultants
    [7]: ref:community
    [8]: ref:dept:Accounting
    [9]: ref:dept:Accounts Payable
    [10]: ref:dept:Advising
    [11]: ref:dept:Business
    [12]: ref:dept:Computer Science
    [13]: ref:dept:Engineering
    [14]: ref:dept:Financial Aid
    [15]: ref:dept:Information Technology
    [16]: ref:dept:Language Arts
    [17]: ref:dept:Law
    [18]: ref:dept:Physical Education
    [19]: ref:dept:Purchasing
    [20]: ref:employee:fac_staff
    [21]: ref:fac_staff_student
    [22]: ref:faculty
    [23]: ref:iam:active
    [24]: ref:iam:global_deny
    [25]: ref:staff
    [26]: ref:student
    compositeInsertNames: TreeSet size: 1: [0]: app:vpn:service:policy:vpn_authorized
    membershipInsertNames: TreeSet size: 50: [0]: ref:community - jlewis235
    [1]: ref:community - lgrady119
    [2]: ref:community - mlewis252
    [3]: ref:community - mwilliams323
    [4]: ref:community - nhenderson756
    [5]: ref:dept:Accounting - anielson378
    [6]: ref:dept:Accounting - aprice891
    [7]: ref:dept:Accounting - hlewis924
    [8]: ref:dept:Accounting - jmorrison517
    [9]: ref:dept:Accounts Payable - jbutler593
    [10]: ref:dept:Accounts Payable - landerson294
    [11]: ref:dept:Advising - aanderson465
    [12]: ref:dept:Advising - enielson174
    [13]: ref:dept:Advising - jclark540
    [14]: ref:dept:Advising - mlewis399
    [15]: ref:dept:Advising - nsmith297
    [16]: ref:dept:Business - phenderson38
    [17]: ref:dept:Business - pvales202
    [18]: ref:dept:Business - sbutler930
    [19]: ref:dept:Computer Science - jvales729
    [20]: ref:dept:Computer Science - mlee863
    [21]: ref:dept:Engineering - abutler125
    [22]: ref:dept:Engineering - clopez383
    [23]: ref:dept:Engineering - mnielson343
    [24]: ref:dept:Financial Aid - cclark395
    [25]: ref:dept:Financial Aid - elewis961
    [26]: ref:dept:Financial Aid - jroberts67
    [27]: ref:dept:Financial Aid - kdavis686
    [28]: ref:dept:Language Arts - dsmith789
    [29]: ref:dept:Language Arts - jmorrison596
    [30]: ref:dept:Language Arts - wvales534
    [31]: ref:dept:Physical Education - mgrady967
    [32]: ref:dept:Purchasing - lpeterson773
    [33]: ref:dept:Purchasing - mgrady0
    [34]: ref:faculty - alopez160
    [35]: ref:faculty - kthompson169
    [36]: ref:faculty - mroberts854
    [37]: ref:faculty - rnielson369
    [38]: ref:faculty - svales170
    [39]: ref:faculty - thenderson914
    [40]: ref:staff - ehenderson862
    [41]: ref:staff - jbutler593
    [42]: ref:staff - jclark540
    [43]: ref:staff - lgonazles537
    [44]: ref:staff - mlewis390
    [45]: ref:staff - rdoe288
    [46]: ref:staff - wlee388
    [47]: ref:student - awhite318
    [48]: ref:student - dlee555
    [49]: ref:student - jbutler123
    groupPrivInsertNames: TreeSet size: 2: [0]: app:vpn:service:ref:vpn_ajohnson409 - app:vpn:security:vpn_ajohnson409_mgr - readers
    [1]: app:vpn:service:ref:vpn_ajohnson409 - app:vpn:security:vpn_ajohnson409_mgr - updaters
  7. Make some changes in the source and run again.  I believe if a folder is being deleted and it had other comparable objects inside, then the total number of differences will be different than the actual changes made

    differences: 14
    changeCount: 13
    errors: 0
    stemInserts: 1
    stemDeletes: 1
    groupInserts: 2
    compositeInserts: 1
    membershipInserts: 3
    membershipUpdates: 1
    membershipDeletes: 1
    groupPrivInserts: 3
    stemPrivInserts: 1
    output: ArrayList size: 13: [0]: Success deleting folder 'ref:iam'
    [1]: Success inserting folder 'app:vpn:service:basis
    [2]: Success inserting group 'app:vpn:service:basis:someBasis
    [3]: Success inserting group 'app:vpn:service:ref:adhocAndConsultants
    [4]: Success inserting composite 'app:vpn:service:ref:adhocAndConsultants
    [5]: Success deleting membership 'app:vpn:service:ref:vpn_adhoc', 'g:gsa', 'app:vpn:service:ref:vpn_ajohnson409'
    [6]: Success inserting membership 'app:vpn:service:ref:vpn_adhoc', 'ldap', 'ejohnson180'
    [7]: Success inserting membership 'app:vpn:service:ref:vpn_adhoc', 'ldap', 'kdavis311'
    [8]: Success inserting membership 'app:vpn:service:basis:someBasis', 'ldap', 'dsmith789'
    [9]: Success inserting privilege group 'app:vpn:service:policy:vpn_authorized', 'ldap', 'ejohnson175', optins
    [10]: Success inserting privilege group 'app:vpn:service:policy:vpn_authorized', 'ldap', 'ejohnson175', viewers
    [11]: Success inserting privilege group 'app:vpn:service:policy:vpn_authorized', 'ldap', 'bsmith458', readers
    [12]: Success inserting privilege stem 'app:vpn:service:ref', 'ldap', 'plangenberg246', creators
    stemInsertNames: TreeSet size: 1: [0]: app:vpn:service:basis
    stemDeleteNames: TreeSet size: 1: [0]: ref:iam
    groupInsertNames: TreeSet size: 2: [0]: app:vpn:service:basis:someBasis
    [1]: app:vpn:service:ref:adhocAndConsultants
    compositeInsertNames: TreeSet size: 1: [0]: app:vpn:service:ref:adhocAndConsultants
    membershipInsertNames: TreeSet size: 3: [0]: app:vpn:service:basis:someBasis - dsmith789
    [1]: app:vpn:service:ref:vpn_adhoc - ejohnson180
    [2]: app:vpn:service:ref:vpn_adhoc - kdavis311
    membershipUpdateNames: TreeSet size: 1: [0]: app:vpn:service:ref:vpn_consultants - jsmith
    membershipDeleteNames: TreeSet size: 1: [0]: app:vpn:service:ref:vpn_adhoc - app:vpn:service:ref:vpn_ajohnson409
    groupPrivInsertNames: TreeSet size: 3: [0]: app:vpn:service:policy:vpn_authorized - bsmith458 - readers
    [1]: app:vpn:service:policy:vpn_authorized - ejohnson175 - optins
    [2]: app:vpn:service:policy:vpn_authorized - ejohnson175 - viewers
    stemPrivInsertNames: TreeSet size: 1: [0]: app:vpn:service:ref - plangenberg246 - creators
  • No labels