We had an outage Saturday morning from 9am-2pm.  We finished in this timeframe, though it took most of the time.  

  • LDAP was up the whole time
  • SQL interface to Grouper was up the whole time (except when the DDL views were being replaced which we rearranged the script to minimize)
  • The WS was in readonly mode the whole time (except when the service was bounced and perhaps part of the DDL upgrade)
  • The UI was down


  1. Disconnect and reconnect to VPN (to not get hit by 10 hour timeout)
  2. Copy tarballs in advance to prod servers
  3. Analyze tables beforehand (takes 30 minutes)

    select 'ANALYZE TABLE ' || table_name || ' estimate STATISTICS sample 100000 rows;' as script from user_Tables where table_name like 'GROUPER%'
    e.g. ANALYZE TABLE GROUPER_ATTRIBUTES estimate STATISTICS sample 100000 rows;
    select to_char(sysdate,'mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') from dual;



  4. Turn off envs (loader, WS, UI)
  5. Turn on WS as readonly

    [appadmin@flash2 classes]$ pwd
    [appadmin@flash2 classes]$ emacs grouper.properties
    # set the API as readonly (e.g. during upgrades).  Any updates will throw an exception                                              
    grouper.api.readonly = true
    copy to nodes
    [appadmin@fastprod-mgmt-01 classes]$ clusterCopy.sh grouperWs grouper.properties
    bounce the ws
    test the WS
    read success
    [mchyzer@flash pennGroupsClient-test-2.0.0]$ java -jar grouperClient.jar --operation=getMembersWs --groupNames=test:testGroup --debug=true
    write failure
    [mchyzer@flash pennGroupsClient-test-2.0.0]$ java -jar grouperClient.jar --operation=addMemberWs --groupName=test:testGroup --subjectIdentifiers=mchyzer --debug=true
  6. Run change log to change log temp

    grouperSession = GrouperSession.startRootSession(); 
    edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.GrouperSession: 5754482603ea4f3db46079e64430c165,'GrouperSystem','application'
    gsh 1% loaderRunOneJob("CHANGE_LOG_changeLogTempToChangeLog");
  7. Have DBA perform a backup on that schema

  8. Put the new UI in place (keep backup of old), or just upgrade in place with installer if not building from source

    sftp> cd /tmp
    sftp> put C:\dev\eclipse\projects\pennGrouper\dist\grouperUiDev.tar.gz
    [appadmin@flash2 webapps]$ pwd
    [appadmin@flash2 webapps]$ tar czf /tmp/grouperUi.20160622.tgz grouper/
    [appadmin@flash2 webapps]$ rm -rf grouper*
    [appadmin@flash2 webapps]$ tar xf /tmp/grouperUiDev.tar
    [appadmin@flash2 webapps]$ tar xf /tmp/grouperUiDev.tar
    [appadmin@flash2 webapps]$ mkdir grouper
    [appadmin@flash2 webapps]$ cd grouper
    [appadmin@flash2 grouper]$ unzip ../grouper.war
    [appadmin@flash2 grouper]$ cd ..
    [appadmin@flash2 webapps]$ ls
    grouper  grouper.war
    [appadmin@flash2 grouper]$ rm -rf /opt/appserv/tomcat_2v/logs/grouper
    [appadmin@flash2 grouper]$ mkdir /opt/appserv/tomcat_2v/logs/grouper
    ###### INSTALL PATCHES (if not upgrading from installer)
    [appadmin@flash2 grouper]$ cd /tmp
    [appadmin@flash2 tmp]$ mkdir grouperInstaller
    [appadmin@flash2 tmp]$ cd grouperInstaller/
    [appadmin@flash2 grouperInstaller]$ wget http://software.internet2.edu/grouper/release/2.3.0/grouperInstaller.jar
    java -jar grouperInstaller.jar
    patch, ui, put in dir: /opt/appserv/tomcat/apps/grouper/webapps/grouper
  9. Keep a copy of old GSH scripts from WS (since they are in WEB-INF/bin/*.gsh and will be overwritten)

  10. Generate the DDL script

    [appadmin@flash2 grouper]$ ./gsh -registry -check
    [appadmin@flash2 bin]$ pwd
    Rearrange script so the id index stuff (DDL and SQL) is in another file.  run that first so server stays up readonly
    Make 10 scripts which have 50k rows in them instead of one script with 500k rows.  Add commits to them between each line to avoid deadlock
    Login to sqlplus and run the scripts
    c:\temp>sqlplus authzadm/XXXXXXXXX@dcom
    SQL> @C:\temp\grouperDdl_20160707_14_37_09_963_start6.sql
    make sure grouper_groups, grouper_stems, grouper_attribute_def, grouper_attribute_def_name has no rows with id_index=null
    select * from grouper_groups where id_index is null
    select * from grouper_stems where id_index is null
    select * from grouper_attribute_def where id_index is null
    select * from grouper_attribute_def_name where id_index is null
  11. See if need to fix pit_gs_start_idx

    ##change this
    ##figure out the issue
    select *  from grouper_pit_group_set gpgs1, grouper_pit_group_set gpgs2
    where GPGS1.ID != gpgs2.id and (gpgs1.start_time = gpgs2.start_time 
    or (gpgs1.start_time is null and gpgs2.start_time is null))
    and (gpgs1.source_id = gpgs2.source_id   
    or (gpgs1.source_id is null and gpgs2.source_id is null));
  12. Copy the deployed dir, run the upgrader, say yes when asked to run the upgrade GSH scripts for 2.2.0, 2.2.1, 2.3.0, etc against database (this can be time consuming)

  13. Note, if there is a problem about group not exist e.g. in require group, look at the table: grouper_attributes_legacy, and edit group names if they were renamed since the require group was put into place
  14. Analyze tables again

    select 'ANALYZE TABLE ' || table_name || ' estimate STATISTICS sample 100000 rows;' as script from user_Tables where table_name like 'GROUPER%'
    e.g. ANALYZE TABLE GROUPER_ATTRIBUTES estimate STATISTICS sample 100000 rows;
  15. Turn  off readonly WS, delete it, put new WS app in place (or just upgrade in place if not building from source)


    [appadmin@fastprod-mgmt-01 webapps]$ clusterRun grouperWs "rm -rf /opt/appserv/tomcat/apps/grouperWs/webapps/*"
    [appadmin@fastprod-mgmt-01 webapps]$ pwd
    [appadmin@fastprod-mgmt-01 webapps]$ tar xzvf /tmp/grouperWsProd.tar.gz 
    [appadmin@fastprod-mgmt-01 webapps]$ mkdir grouperWs
    [appadmin@fastprod-mgmt-01 webapps]$ cd grouperWs
    [appadmin@fastprod-mgmt-01 grouperWs]$ unzip ../grouperWs.war
    [appadmin@fastprod-mgmt-01 grouperWs]$ cd ..
    [appadmin@fastprod-mgmt-01 webapps]$ clusterCopy.sh grouperWs /opt/appserv/tomcat/apps/grouperWs/webapps/grouperWs.war
    [appadmin@fastprod-mgmt-01 webapps]$ clusterCopy.sh grouperWs /opt/appserv/tomcat/apps/grouperWs/webapps/grouperWs
  16. Compile invalid views if views use the grouper views
  17. Get new UI/WS/loader, make sure patched
  18. Try GSH
  19. Turn on UI/WS/loader
  20. Test
  21. Upgrade, patch, and turn on offsite readonly WS

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