Note: active directory has a CN limit of 64, so at U Penn we are switching to bushy provisioning.  See this doc

Make sure you are pointing to an AD domain name with active/standby load balancing or to the primary node.  Or there could be CNF conflict groups in AD created.


Run the incremental job from gsh


Run full refresh from GSH (I think this works)


Mark a group / folder as provisionable to AD

Assign an attribute at a group or folder level with a value of the config for AD


At Penn initially we would like to sync up a Grouper group with an AD group.  Later on we might want to sync up more groups.  We will use a flat namespace in AD.

In Grouper we have a group:


In AD we have an OU for groups:


The group to go into AD should be:

  1. Configure pspng (backup first, then add this)

    #note the URL should start with ldap: or ldaps: if it is SSL.                                                                       
    #It should contain the server and port (optional if not default), and baseDn,                                                       
    #e.g. ldaps://,dc=edu                                                                            
    ldap.pennKiteAd.url = ldaps://                                                          
    #optional, if authenticated                                                                                                         
    ldap.pennKiteAd.user = someUserName
    #optional, if authenticated, note the password can be stored encrypted in an external file                                          
    ldap.pennKiteAd.pass = ************
    ## PSPNG                                                                                                                            
    changeLog.consumer.pspng_activedirectory.class = edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.pspng.PspChangelogConsumerShim
    changeLog.consumer.pspng_activedirectory.type = edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.pspng.LdapGroupProvisioner
    changeLog.consumer.pspng_activedirectory.quartzCron = 0 * * * * ?
    changeLog.consumer.pspng_activedirectory.ldapPoolName = pennKiteAd
    changeLog.consumer.pspng_activedirectory.grouperIsAuthoritative = true
    changeLog.consumer.pspng_activedirectory.isActiveDirectory = true
    changeLog.consumer.pspng_activedirectory.memberAttributeName = member
    changeLog.consumer.pspng_activedirectory.memberAttributeValueFormat = ${ldapUser.getDn()}
    changeLog.consumer.pspng_activedirectory.groupSearchBaseDn = OU=Grouper,OU=LocalAuth,DC=kite,DC=upenn,DC=edu
    changeLog.consumer.pspng_activedirectory.allGroupsSearchFilter = objectclass=group
    changeLog.consumer.pspng_activedirectory.singleGroupSearchFilter = (&(objectclass=group)(gidNumber=${idIndex}))
    changeLog.consumer.pspng_activedirectory.groupCreationLdifTemplate = dn: cn=${}||cn: ${}||objectclass: group||gidNumber: ${group.idIndex}
    changeLog.consumer.pspng_activedirectory.userSearchBaseDn = DC=kite,DC=upenn,DC=edu
    changeLog.consumer.pspng_activedirectory.userSearchFilter = employeeID=${}
    changeLog.consumer.pspng_activedirectory.userSearchAttributes = dn,cn,uid,mail,samAccountName, uidNumber,objectclass,employeeID
    changeLog.consumer.pspng_activedirectory.groupSearchAttributes = cn,gidNumber,samAccountName,objectclass
    # This happens in the background, so should usually be enabled, and should _definitely_
    # be enabled when new provisioners are added 
    changeLog.psp.fullSync.runAtStartup = true
  2. Test LDAP connectivity via GSH, run a simple filter that returns a string

    try {LdapSessionUtils.ldapSession().list("pennKiteAd", "OU=UnivOfPennsylvania,DC=kite,DC=upenn,DC=edu", LdapSearchScope.SUBTREE_SCOPE, "(CN=mchyzer)", GrouperUtil.toArray(GrouperUtil.toList("objectClass", "cn", "employeeid"), String.class), null); } catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();}
  3. Note, had to create the attributes for pspng

    GrouperSession grouperSession = GrouperSession.startRootSession();
    long gshTotalObjectCount = 0L;
    long gshTotalChangeCount = 0L;
    long gshTotalErrorCount = 0L;
    StemSave stemSave = new StemSave(grouperSession).assignName("etc:pspng").assignCreateParentStemsIfNotExist(true).assignDescription("Location for pspng-management objects.").assignDisplayName("etc:pspng");
    stem =;
    if (stemSave.getSaveResultType() != SaveResultType.NO_CHANGE) { System.out.println("Made change for stem: " + stem.getName()); gshTotalChangeCount++;}
    System.out.println(new java.util.Date().toString() + " Done with folders, objects: " + gshTotalObjectCount + ", expected approx total: 8, changes: " + gshTotalChangeCount + ", known errors (view output for full list): " + gshTotalErrorCount);
    System.out.println(new java.util.Date().toString() + " Done with groups, objects: " + gshTotalObjectCount + ", expected approx total: 8, changes: " + gshTotalChangeCount + ", known errors (view output for full list): " + gshTotalErrorCount);
    System.out.println(new java.util.Date().toString() + " Done with composites, objects: " + gshTotalObjectCount + ", expected approx total: 8, changes: " + gshTotalChangeCount + ", known errors (view output for full list): " + gshTotalErrorCount);
    AttributeDefSave attributeDefSave = new AttributeDefSave(grouperSession).assignName("etc:pspng:do_not_provision_to_def").assignCreateParentStemsIfNotExist(true).assignToGroup(true).assignToStem(true).assignAttributeDefType(AttributeDefType.type).assignMultiAssignable(true).assignMultiValued(false).assignValueType(AttributeDefValueType.string);
    AttributeDef attributeDef =;
    if (attributeDefSave.getSaveResultType() != SaveResultType.NO_CHANGE) {System.out.println("Made change for attributeDef: " + attributeDef.getName()); gshTotalChangeCount++;}
    AttributeDefSave attributeDefSave = new AttributeDefSave(grouperSession).assignName("etc:pspng:provision_to_def").assignCreateParentStemsIfNotExist(true).assignToGroup(true).assignToStem(true).assignAttributeDefType(AttributeDefType.type).assignMultiAssignable(true).assignMultiValued(false).assignValueType(AttributeDefValueType.string);
    AttributeDef attributeDef =;
    if (attributeDefSave.getSaveResultType() != SaveResultType.NO_CHANGE) {System.out.println("Made change for attributeDef: " + attributeDef.getName()); gshTotalChangeCount++;}
    System.out.println(new java.util.Date().toString() + " Done with attribute definitions, objects: " + gshTotalObjectCount + ", expected approx total: 8, changes: " + gshTotalChangeCount + ", known errors (view output for full list): " + gshTotalErrorCount);
    System.out.println(new java.util.Date().toString() + " Done with role hierarchies, objects: " + gshTotalObjectCount + ", expected approx total: 8, changes: " + gshTotalChangeCount + ", known errors (view output for full list): " + gshTotalErrorCount);
    attributeDef = AttributeDefFinder.findByName("etc:pspng:do_not_provision_to_def", false);
    if (attributeDef != null) { int changeCount = attributeDef.getAttributeDefActionDelegate().configureActionList("assign"); gshTotalObjectCount+=1; if (changeCount > 0) { gshTotalChangeCount+=changeCount; System.out.println("Made " + changeCount + " changes for actionList of attributeDef: etc:pspng:do_not_provision_to_def");  } } else { gshTotalErrorCount++;  System.out.println("ERROR: cant find attributeDef: 'etc:pspng:do_not_provision_to_def'"); }
    attributeDef = AttributeDefFinder.findByName("etc:pspng:provision_to_def", false);
    if (attributeDef != null) { int changeCount = attributeDef.getAttributeDefActionDelegate().configureActionList("assign"); gshTotalObjectCount+=1; if (changeCount > 0) { gshTotalChangeCount+=changeCount; System.out.println("Made " + changeCount + " changes for actionList of attributeDef: etc:pspng:provision_to_def");  } } else { gshTotalErrorCount++;  System.out.println("ERROR: cant find attributeDef: 'etc:pspng:provision_to_def'"); }
    System.out.println(new java.util.Date().toString() + " Done with attribute actions, objects: " + gshTotalObjectCount + ", expected approx total: 8, changes: " + gshTotalChangeCount + ", known errors (view output for full list): " + gshTotalErrorCount);
    System.out.println(new java.util.Date().toString() + " Done with attribute action hierarchies, objects: " + gshTotalObjectCount + ", expected approx total: 8, changes: " + gshTotalChangeCount + ", known errors (view output for full list): " + gshTotalErrorCount);
    Subject subject = SubjectFinder.findByIdAndSource("GrouperSystem", "g:isa", false);
    if (subject == null) { gshTotalErrorCount++; System.out.println("Error: cant find subject: g:isa: GrouperSystem");  }
    Privilege privilege = Privilege.listToPriv("stemAdmins", false);
    Stem stem = StemFinder.findByName(grouperSession, "etc:pspng", false);
    if (privilege != null) { if (subject != null) { if (stem != null) { boolean changed = stem.grantPriv(subject, privilege, false);   gshTotalObjectCount++;  if (changed) { gshTotalChangeCount++;  System.out.println("Made change for stem privilege: " + stem.getName() + ", privilege: " + privilege + ", subject: " + GrouperUtil.subjectToString(subject)); } } else { gshTotalErrorCount++; System.out.println("ERROR: cant find stem: 'etc:pspng'"); } }  }
    System.out.println(new java.util.Date().toString() + " Done with memberships and privileges, objects: " + gshTotalObjectCount + ", expected approx total: 8, changes: " + gshTotalChangeCount + ", known errors (view output for full list): " + gshTotalErrorCount);
    AttributeDef attributeDef = AttributeDefFinder.findByName("etc:pspng:do_not_provision_to_def", false);
    if (attributeDef != null) {  AttributeDefNameSave attributeDefNameSave = new AttributeDefNameSave(grouperSession, attributeDef).assignName("etc:pspng:do_not_provision_to").assignCreateParentStemsIfNotExist(true).assignDescription("Defines what provisioners should not process a group or groups within a folder. Since the default is already for provisioners to not provision any groups, this attribute is to override a provision_to attribute set on an ancestor folder. ").assignDisplayName("etc:pspng:do_not_provision_to");  AttributeDefName attributeDefName =;  gshTotalObjectCount++;  if (attributeDefNameSave.getSaveResultType() != SaveResultType.NO_CHANGE) {gshTotalChangeCount++;  System.out.println("Made change for attributeDefName: " + attributeDefName.getName()); }   } else { gshTotalErrorCount++;  System.out.println("ERROR: cant find attributeDef: 'etc:pspng:do_not_provision_to_def'"); }
    AttributeDef attributeDef = AttributeDefFinder.findByName("etc:pspng:provision_to_def", false);
    if (attributeDef != null) {  AttributeDefNameSave attributeDefNameSave = new AttributeDefNameSave(grouperSession, attributeDef).assignName("etc:pspng:provision_to").assignCreateParentStemsIfNotExist(true).assignDescription("Defines what provisioners should process a group or groups within a folder").assignDisplayName("etc:pspng:provision_to");  AttributeDefName attributeDefName =;  gshTotalObjectCount++;  if (attributeDefNameSave.getSaveResultType() != SaveResultType.NO_CHANGE) {gshTotalChangeCount++;  System.out.println("Made change for attributeDefName: " + attributeDefName.getName()); }   } else { gshTotalErrorCount++;  System.out.println("ERROR: cant find attributeDef: 'etc:pspng:provision_to_def'"); }
    System.out.println(new java.util.Date().toString() + " Done with attribute names, objects: " + gshTotalObjectCount + ", expected approx total: 8, changes: " + gshTotalChangeCount + ", known errors (view output for full list): " + gshTotalErrorCount);
    System.out.println(new java.util.Date().toString() + " Done with attribute name hierarchies, objects: " + gshTotalObjectCount + ", expected approx total: 8, changes: " + gshTotalChangeCount + ", known errors (view output for full list): " + gshTotalErrorCount);
    System.out.println(new java.util.Date().toString() + " Done with attribute definition scopes, objects: " + gshTotalObjectCount + ", expected approx total: 8, changes: " + gshTotalChangeCount + ", known errors (view output for full list): " + gshTotalErrorCount);
    Set attributeAssignIdsAlreadyUsed = new HashSet();
    System.out.println(new java.util.Date().toString() + " Script complete: total objects, objects: " + gshTotalObjectCount + ", expected approx total: 8, changes: " + gshTotalChangeCount + ", known errors (view output for full list): " + gshTotalErrorCount);  

  4. dsf
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