Note: active directory has a CN limit of 64, so at U Penn we are switching to bushy provisioning. See this doc
Make sure you are pointing to an AD domain name with active/standby load balancing or to the primary node. Or there could be CNF conflict groups in AD created.
Run the incremental job from gsh
loaderRunOneJob("CHANGE_LOG_changeLogTempToChangeLog"); loaderRunOneJob("CHANGE_LOG_consumer_pspng_activedirectory");
Run full refresh from GSH (I think this works)
loaderRunOneJob("CHANGE_LOG_changeLogTempToChangeLog"); loaderRunOneJob("PSP_FULL_SYNC.runAtStartup");
Mark a group / folder as provisionable to AD
Assign an attribute at a group or folder level with a value of the config for AD
At Penn initially we would like to sync up a Grouper group with an AD group. Later on we might want to sync up more groups. We will use a flat namespace in AD.
In Grouper we have a group:
In AD we have an OU for groups:
The group to go into AD should be:
Configure pspng (backup first, then add this)
#note the URL should start with ldap: or ldaps: if it is SSL. #It should contain the server and port (optional if not default), and baseDn, #e.g. ldaps://,dc=edu ldap.pennKiteAd.url = ldaps:// #optional, if authenticated ldap.pennKiteAd.user = someUserName #optional, if authenticated, note the password can be stored encrypted in an external file ldap.pennKiteAd.pass = ************ #################################### ## PSPNG #################################### changeLog.consumer.pspng_activedirectory.class = edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.pspng.PspChangelogConsumerShim changeLog.consumer.pspng_activedirectory.type = edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.pspng.LdapGroupProvisioner changeLog.consumer.pspng_activedirectory.quartzCron = 0 * * * * ? changeLog.consumer.pspng_activedirectory.ldapPoolName = pennKiteAd changeLog.consumer.pspng_activedirectory.grouperIsAuthoritative = true changeLog.consumer.pspng_activedirectory.isActiveDirectory = true changeLog.consumer.pspng_activedirectory.memberAttributeName = member changeLog.consumer.pspng_activedirectory.memberAttributeValueFormat = ${ldapUser.getDn()} changeLog.consumer.pspng_activedirectory.groupSearchBaseDn = OU=Grouper,OU=LocalAuth,DC=kite,DC=upenn,DC=edu changeLog.consumer.pspng_activedirectory.allGroupsSearchFilter = objectclass=group changeLog.consumer.pspng_activedirectory.singleGroupSearchFilter = (&(objectclass=group)(gidNumber=${idIndex})) changeLog.consumer.pspng_activedirectory.groupCreationLdifTemplate = dn: cn=${}||cn: ${}||objectclass: group||gidNumber: ${group.idIndex} changeLog.consumer.pspng_activedirectory.userSearchBaseDn = DC=kite,DC=upenn,DC=edu changeLog.consumer.pspng_activedirectory.userSearchFilter = employeeID=${} changeLog.consumer.pspng_activedirectory.userSearchAttributes = dn,cn,uid,mail,samAccountName, uidNumber,objectclass,employeeID changeLog.consumer.pspng_activedirectory.groupSearchAttributes = cn,gidNumber,samAccountName,objectclass # This happens in the background, so should usually be enabled, and should _definitely_ # be enabled when new provisioners are added changeLog.psp.fullSync.runAtStartup = true
Test LDAP connectivity via GSH, run a simple filter that returns a string
try {LdapSessionUtils.ldapSession().list("pennKiteAd", "OU=UnivOfPennsylvania,DC=kite,DC=upenn,DC=edu", LdapSearchScope.SUBTREE_SCOPE, "(CN=mchyzer)", GrouperUtil.toArray(GrouperUtil.toList("objectClass", "cn", "employeeid"), String.class), null); } catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();}
Note, had to create the attributes for pspng
GrouperSession grouperSession = GrouperSession.startRootSession(); long gshTotalObjectCount = 0L; long gshTotalChangeCount = 0L; long gshTotalErrorCount = 0L; StemSave stemSave = new StemSave(grouperSession).assignName("etc:pspng").assignCreateParentStemsIfNotExist(true).assignDescription("Location for pspng-management objects.").assignDisplayName("etc:pspng"); stem =; gshTotalObjectCount++; if (stemSave.getSaveResultType() != SaveResultType.NO_CHANGE) { System.out.println("Made change for stem: " + stem.getName()); gshTotalChangeCount++;} System.out.println(new java.util.Date().toString() + " Done with folders, objects: " + gshTotalObjectCount + ", expected approx total: 8, changes: " + gshTotalChangeCount + ", known errors (view output for full list): " + gshTotalErrorCount); System.out.println(new java.util.Date().toString() + " Done with groups, objects: " + gshTotalObjectCount + ", expected approx total: 8, changes: " + gshTotalChangeCount + ", known errors (view output for full list): " + gshTotalErrorCount); System.out.println(new java.util.Date().toString() + " Done with composites, objects: " + gshTotalObjectCount + ", expected approx total: 8, changes: " + gshTotalChangeCount + ", known errors (view output for full list): " + gshTotalErrorCount); AttributeDefSave attributeDefSave = new AttributeDefSave(grouperSession).assignName("etc:pspng:do_not_provision_to_def").assignCreateParentStemsIfNotExist(true).assignToGroup(true).assignToStem(true).assignAttributeDefType(AttributeDefType.type).assignMultiAssignable(true).assignMultiValued(false).assignValueType(AttributeDefValueType.string); AttributeDef attributeDef =; gshTotalObjectCount++; if (attributeDefSave.getSaveResultType() != SaveResultType.NO_CHANGE) {System.out.println("Made change for attributeDef: " + attributeDef.getName()); gshTotalChangeCount++;} AttributeDefSave attributeDefSave = new AttributeDefSave(grouperSession).assignName("etc:pspng:provision_to_def").assignCreateParentStemsIfNotExist(true).assignToGroup(true).assignToStem(true).assignAttributeDefType(AttributeDefType.type).assignMultiAssignable(true).assignMultiValued(false).assignValueType(AttributeDefValueType.string); AttributeDef attributeDef =; gshTotalObjectCount++; if (attributeDefSave.getSaveResultType() != SaveResultType.NO_CHANGE) {System.out.println("Made change for attributeDef: " + attributeDef.getName()); gshTotalChangeCount++;} System.out.println(new java.util.Date().toString() + " Done with attribute definitions, objects: " + gshTotalObjectCount + ", expected approx total: 8, changes: " + gshTotalChangeCount + ", known errors (view output for full list): " + gshTotalErrorCount); System.out.println(new java.util.Date().toString() + " Done with role hierarchies, objects: " + gshTotalObjectCount + ", expected approx total: 8, changes: " + gshTotalChangeCount + ", known errors (view output for full list): " + gshTotalErrorCount); attributeDef = AttributeDefFinder.findByName("etc:pspng:do_not_provision_to_def", false); if (attributeDef != null) { int changeCount = attributeDef.getAttributeDefActionDelegate().configureActionList("assign"); gshTotalObjectCount+=1; if (changeCount > 0) { gshTotalChangeCount+=changeCount; System.out.println("Made " + changeCount + " changes for actionList of attributeDef: etc:pspng:do_not_provision_to_def"); } } else { gshTotalErrorCount++; System.out.println("ERROR: cant find attributeDef: 'etc:pspng:do_not_provision_to_def'"); } attributeDef = AttributeDefFinder.findByName("etc:pspng:provision_to_def", false); if (attributeDef != null) { int changeCount = attributeDef.getAttributeDefActionDelegate().configureActionList("assign"); gshTotalObjectCount+=1; if (changeCount > 0) { gshTotalChangeCount+=changeCount; System.out.println("Made " + changeCount + " changes for actionList of attributeDef: etc:pspng:provision_to_def"); } } else { gshTotalErrorCount++; System.out.println("ERROR: cant find attributeDef: 'etc:pspng:provision_to_def'"); } System.out.println(new java.util.Date().toString() + " Done with attribute actions, objects: " + gshTotalObjectCount + ", expected approx total: 8, changes: " + gshTotalChangeCount + ", known errors (view output for full list): " + gshTotalErrorCount); System.out.println(new java.util.Date().toString() + " Done with attribute action hierarchies, objects: " + gshTotalObjectCount + ", expected approx total: 8, changes: " + gshTotalChangeCount + ", known errors (view output for full list): " + gshTotalErrorCount); Subject subject = SubjectFinder.findByIdAndSource("GrouperSystem", "g:isa", false); if (subject == null) { gshTotalErrorCount++; System.out.println("Error: cant find subject: g:isa: GrouperSystem"); } Privilege privilege = Privilege.listToPriv("stemAdmins", false); Stem stem = StemFinder.findByName(grouperSession, "etc:pspng", false); if (privilege != null) { if (subject != null) { if (stem != null) { boolean changed = stem.grantPriv(subject, privilege, false); gshTotalObjectCount++; if (changed) { gshTotalChangeCount++; System.out.println("Made change for stem privilege: " + stem.getName() + ", privilege: " + privilege + ", subject: " + GrouperUtil.subjectToString(subject)); } } else { gshTotalErrorCount++; System.out.println("ERROR: cant find stem: 'etc:pspng'"); } } } System.out.println(new java.util.Date().toString() + " Done with memberships and privileges, objects: " + gshTotalObjectCount + ", expected approx total: 8, changes: " + gshTotalChangeCount + ", known errors (view output for full list): " + gshTotalErrorCount); AttributeDef attributeDef = AttributeDefFinder.findByName("etc:pspng:do_not_provision_to_def", false); if (attributeDef != null) { AttributeDefNameSave attributeDefNameSave = new AttributeDefNameSave(grouperSession, attributeDef).assignName("etc:pspng:do_not_provision_to").assignCreateParentStemsIfNotExist(true).assignDescription("Defines what provisioners should not process a group or groups within a folder. Since the default is already for provisioners to not provision any groups, this attribute is to override a provision_to attribute set on an ancestor folder. ").assignDisplayName("etc:pspng:do_not_provision_to"); AttributeDefName attributeDefName =; gshTotalObjectCount++; if (attributeDefNameSave.getSaveResultType() != SaveResultType.NO_CHANGE) {gshTotalChangeCount++; System.out.println("Made change for attributeDefName: " + attributeDefName.getName()); } } else { gshTotalErrorCount++; System.out.println("ERROR: cant find attributeDef: 'etc:pspng:do_not_provision_to_def'"); } AttributeDef attributeDef = AttributeDefFinder.findByName("etc:pspng:provision_to_def", false); if (attributeDef != null) { AttributeDefNameSave attributeDefNameSave = new AttributeDefNameSave(grouperSession, attributeDef).assignName("etc:pspng:provision_to").assignCreateParentStemsIfNotExist(true).assignDescription("Defines what provisioners should process a group or groups within a folder").assignDisplayName("etc:pspng:provision_to"); AttributeDefName attributeDefName =; gshTotalObjectCount++; if (attributeDefNameSave.getSaveResultType() != SaveResultType.NO_CHANGE) {gshTotalChangeCount++; System.out.println("Made change for attributeDefName: " + attributeDefName.getName()); } } else { gshTotalErrorCount++; System.out.println("ERROR: cant find attributeDef: 'etc:pspng:provision_to_def'"); } System.out.println(new java.util.Date().toString() + " Done with attribute names, objects: " + gshTotalObjectCount + ", expected approx total: 8, changes: " + gshTotalChangeCount + ", known errors (view output for full list): " + gshTotalErrorCount); System.out.println(new java.util.Date().toString() + " Done with attribute name hierarchies, objects: " + gshTotalObjectCount + ", expected approx total: 8, changes: " + gshTotalChangeCount + ", known errors (view output for full list): " + gshTotalErrorCount); System.out.println(new java.util.Date().toString() + " Done with attribute definition scopes, objects: " + gshTotalObjectCount + ", expected approx total: 8, changes: " + gshTotalChangeCount + ", known errors (view output for full list): " + gshTotalErrorCount); Set attributeAssignIdsAlreadyUsed = new HashSet(); System.out.println(new java.util.Date().toString() + " Script complete: total objects, objects: " + gshTotalObjectCount + ", expected approx total: 8, changes: " + gshTotalChangeCount + ", known errors (view output for full list): " + gshTotalErrorCount);
- dsf