In v2.6.0+ we will add OIDC authn to WS.

  • Extracts the code from the authorization header (see below)
  • Will call token endpoint with POST and user/pass basic authn to retrieve the access token based on the code
  • Will call the userinfo endpoint to get the user attributes from the access token (no authn)
  • Resolve the subject from the configured userinfo claim

External system in

## OIDC external system

# url to decode the oidc code into an access token: (required)
# grouper.oidcExternalSystem.myOidcConfigId.tokenEndpointUri = 

# url to get the user info from the access token (required)
# grouper.oidcExternalSystem.myOidcConfigId.userInfoUri = 
# client id to authorize url (required)
# grouper.oidcExternalSystem.myOidcConfigId.clientId = 

# secret to ws (required)
# grouper.oidcExternalSystem.myOidcConfigId.clientSecret = 

# if this oidc connector is enabled
# grouper.oidcExternalSystem.myOidcConfigId.enabled = 

Grouper would have configurations for OIDC configuration in

# config id of the external system (required)
grouper.oidc.configId.oidcExternalSystemConfigId = 

# needed for retrieving an access token, e.g.
grouper.oidc.configId.redirectUri = 

# scope to retrieve from oidc, e.g. openid email profile (required)
grouper.oidc.configId.scope = 

# optional, could be in claim as "subjectSourceId", e.g. myPeople
grouper.oidc.configId.subjectSourceId = 

# subjectId, subjectIdentifier, or subjectIdOrIdentifier (required)
grouper.oidc.configId.subjectIdType = 

# some claim name that has the subjectId / subjectIdentifier / subjectIdOrIdentifier in it.  e.g. employeeId (required)
grouper.oidc.configId.subjectIdClaimName = 

Make a web service call

Authorization : Bearer oidc_configId_abc123def456


Authorization : Bearer oidcWithRedirectUri_configId_lmn432rew987_abc123def456    (lmn432rew987 is base64 redirect uri)

Grouper will decode the OIDC claim from that config id and the Grouper Web Service will authenticate as the user in the token

Developers only

File from git has users


Run command for local oidc docker: 

docker run --rm -d -p 9000:9000 --mount type=bind,src=/Users/vsachdeva/Downloads/oidc_users/users.json,dst=/tmp/users.json  -e "REDIRECTS=http://localhost:8080/grouper/grouperUi/app/UiV2Main.oidc" -e "USERS_FILE=/tmp/users.json"  qlik/simple-oidc-provider

Auth URL: http://localhost:9000/auth?response_type=code&scope=openid+email+profile&client_id=foo&redirect_uri=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A8080%2Fgrouper%2FgrouperUi%2Fapp%2FUiV2Main.oidc

  • No labels

1 Comment

  1. What is "abc123def456"?