For some reason in SQL Server the database and schema need to be prepended to the table or view name.

Get the jar: mssql-jdbc-8.4.1.jre8.jar

Add two tables and a view in SQL server.  First table is source of data.  View selects from that.  Second table is destination of data.  This is just a test to see it work, it is nonsensical.

	subject_id varchar(100) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL,
	some_date date NULL
) GO;

INSERT INTO grouper_v2_5.dbo.UMBC_STAFF_IN_DUO (subject_id,some_date)
	VALUES ('some_vale',CAST('12/01/2019' as date) );

create view UMBC_STAFF_IN_DUO_v as select * from grouper_v2_5.dbo.UMBC_STAFF_IN_DUO;

CREATE TABLE grouper_v2_5.dbo.UMBC_STAFF_IN_DUO2 (
	subject_id varchar(100) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL,
	some_date date NULL
) GO;

Configure an external system.  Note, you either need to configure the database in the connect string or you need to fully qualify the object names, e.g. grouper_v2_5.dbo.UMBC_STAFF_IN_DUO2.  In this case we will configure the database name in the jdbc connect string

(External system screen), or

db.sqlServer.testQuery = select count(*) from UMBC_STAFF_IN_DUO
db.sqlServer.url = jdbc:sqlserver://localhost:14433;databaseName=grouper_v2_5
db.sqlServer.pass = *******
db.sqlServer.user = grouper_v2_5
db.sqlServer.driver =

Configure a table sync (

# table or view where copying data from, include the schema if needed
grouperClient.syncTable.test_sql_sync.tableFrom = UMBC_STAFF_IN_DUO_v
grouperClient.syncTable.test_sql_sync.databaseFrom = sqlServer
# table or view where copying data to, include the schema if needed
grouperClient.syncTable.test_sql_sync.tableTo = UMBC_STAFF_IN_DUO2
grouperClient.syncTable.test_sql_sync.databaseTo = sqlServer
# columns must match in from and to tables, you can specify columns or do all with an asterisk
grouperClient.syncTable.test_sql_sync.columns = *
# if there is a primary key, list it, else list the composite keys.  note, this doesnt
# have to literally be the database prmiary key, just need to be a unique col(s) in table
grouperClient.syncTable.test_sql_sync.primaryKeyColumns = subject_id
# the grouping column is what is uniquely selected, and then batched through to get data.  Optional.
# for groups this should be the group uuid
grouperClient.syncTable.test_sql_sync.groupingColumn = 

Configure a job to run that (

# Object Type Job class
otherJob.test_sql_sync.class =
# Object Type Job cron
otherJob.test_sql_sync.quartzCron = 0 0 8 * * ?
# this is the key in the that represents this job
otherJob.test_sql_sync.grouperClientTableSyncConfigKey = test_sql_sync
# fullSyncFull, fullSyncGroups, fullSyncChangeFlag, incrementalAllColumns, incrementalPrimaryKey
otherJob.test_sql_sync.syncType = fullSyncFull

Works fine

select * from UMBC_STAFF_IN_DUO2;

subject_id|some_date |
some_vale |2019-12-01|

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