This is a common admin activity, getting a CSV and doing a one time import into Grouper.
In this case we have a list of memberships by group extension and subject identifier:
- Create the groups
- Add members to the groups by subject identifier
- Add the groups to an overall "users" group. This can be a loader job so new groups get added also
Create the groups
CSV provided
Take the CSV, save as XLSX, and run the data filter to get unique group names
Make a formula for the group extensions to create these groups in a folder if not there
= "new GroupSave().assignName('penn:isc:ts:nnn:service:policy:" & A1 & "').assignCreateParentStemsIfNotExist(true).save();"
[tomcat@de6f95646bd0418c9af8c48af12a635d-3242894371 bin]$ ./ createGroups.gsh groovy:000> :load '/opt/grouper/grouperWebapp/WEB-INF/classes/groovysh.profile' groovy:000> :gshFileLoad 'createGroups.gsh' ===> c8c9ba4b823c45308492240f8faa11f4,'GrouperSystem','application' ===> Group[name=penn:isc:ts:nnn:service:policy:nnnUsersDomain_aarc,uuid=1e87b7654a6d4bad83eee202cc3112d0] ===> Group[name=penn:isc:ts:nnn:service:policy:nnnUsersDomain_ac,uuid=2f955c8b8a884468866ef6cc97e96ef5] ===> Group[name=penn:isc:ts:nnn:service:policy:nnnUsersDomain_acap,uuid=9560fff1587f4a79a4c61fd588a122af] ===> Group[name=penn:isc:ts:nnn:service:policy:nnnUsersDomain_acasa,uuid=42f8dee730974f7896f79e8b30105244] ===> Group[name=penn:isc:ts:nnn:service:policy:nnnUsersDomain_accprogeny,uuid=917ed02527794cc78e1e6acc89bc8ced]
Add members to the groups by subject identifier
This is the CSV, save as excel file
Make a forumula
= "new MembershipSave().assignGroupName('penn:isc:ts:nnn:service:policy:" & A2 & "').assignSubjectIdentifier('" & B2 & "').assignSubjectSourceId('pennperson').save();"
Copy the script
Run the script
Oops, some subjects in the file are subjectId and from a different subject source, so the script will be changed to this (because MembershipSave cant handle this case quite yet):
= "addMember('penn:isc:ts:nnn:service:policy:" & A2 & "', '" & B2 & "');"
[tomcat@de6f95646bd0418c9af8c48af12a635d-3242894371 bin]$ more assignMemberships.gsh GrouperSession.startRootSession(); addMember('penn:isc:ts:nnn:service:policy:nnnUsersDomain_aarc', 'ri***rd'); addMember('penn:isc:ts:nnn:service:policy:nnnUsersDomain_ac', 'al***1'); addMember('penn:isc:ts:nnn:service:policy:nnnUsersDomain_ac', 'a***o'); addMember('penn:isc:ts:nnn:service:policy:nnnUsersDomain_ac', 'a***h'); addMember('penn:isc:ts:nnn:service:policy:nnnUsersDomain_ac', 'c***s');
Run the script
[tomcat@de6f95646bd0418c9af8c48af12a635d-3242894371 bin]$ ./ assignMemberships.gsh groovy:000> :load '/opt/grouper/grouperWebapp/WEB-INF/classes/groovysh.profile' groovy:000> :gshFileLoad 'assignMemberships.gsh' ===> bf4ee877a49a452b98decb61ab254e66,'GrouperSystem','application' ===> true ===> true ===> true
Add the groups to an overall "users" group
This can be a loader job so new groups get added also
Make a query about groups in the folder not including the loaded group
select as subject_id, 'g:gsa' as subject_source_id from grouper_groups gg, grouper_stems gs where gg.parent_stem = and = 'penn:isc:ts:nnn:service:policy' and != 'penn:isc:ts:nnn:service:policy:nnnUsers'
Make a loader job on the users group