Main Grouper Loader page

Common setup 

  • Setup an LDAP source, here is one I googled from the Internet (public unauthenticated).  Put this in the sources.xml in all groupers (WS, UI, loader, whatever)
  • config

    ## Configuration for source id: cmuDirectory
    ## Source configName: cmuDirectory
    ######################################### = cmuDirectory
    # this is a friendly name for the source = CMU Directory
    # type is not used all that much.  Can have multiple types, comma separate.  Can be person, group, application
    subjectApi.source.cmuDirectory.types = person
    # the adapter class implements the interface: edu.internet2.middleware.subject.Source
    # adapter class must extend: edu.internet2.middleware.subject.provider.BaseSourceAdapter
    # edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.subj.GrouperJdbcSourceAdapter2  :  if doing JDBC this should be used if possible.  All subject data in one table/view.
    # edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.subj.GrouperJdbcSourceAdapter   :  oldest JDBC source.  Put freeform queries in here
    # edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.subj.GrouperJndiSourceAdapter   :  used for LDAP
    subjectApi.source.cmuDirectory.adapterClass = edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.subj.GrouperJndiSourceAdapter
    # e.g. com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory
    subjectApi.source.cmuDirectory.param.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY.value = com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory
    # e.g. ldap://localhost:389
    subjectApi.source.cmuDirectory.param.PROVIDER_URL.value = ldap://
    # e.g. simple, none, sasl_mech
    subjectApi.source.cmuDirectory.param.SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION.value = none
    # ldap attribute which is the subject id.  e.g. exampleEduRegID   Each subject has one and only one subject id.  Generally it is opaque and permanent.
    subjectApi.source.cmuDirectory.param.SubjectID_AttributeType.value = guid
    # if the subject id should be changed to lower case after reading from datastore.  true or false
    subjectApi.source.cmuDirectory.param.SubjectID_formatToLowerCase.value = false
    # attribute which is the subject name
    subjectApi.source.cmuDirectory.param.Name_AttributeType.value = cn
    # attribute which is the subject description
    subjectApi.source.cmuDirectory.param.Description_AttributeType.value = cn
    # the 1st sort attribute for lists on screen that are derived from member table (e.g. search for member in group)
    # you can have up to 5 sort attributes 
    subjectApi.source.cmuDirectory.param.sortAttribute0.value = cn
    # the 1st search attribute for lists on screen that are derived from member table (e.g. search for member in group)
    # you can have up to 5 search attributes 
    subjectApi.source.cmuDirectory.param.searchAttribute0.value = searchAttribute0
    # attribute name of the email attribute
    subjectApi.source.cmuDirectory.param.emailAttributeName.value = mail
    #searchSubject: find a subject by ID.  ID is generally an opaque and permanent identifier, e.g. 12345678.
    #  Each subject has one and only on ID.  Returns one result when searching for one ID.
    # sql is the sql to search for the subject by id.  %TERM% will be subsituted by the id searched for = (& (guid=%TERM%) (objectclass=cmuPerson))
    # base dn to search in = ou=person,dc=cmu,dc=edu
    #searchSubjectByIdentifier: find a subject by identifier.  Identifier is anything that uniquely
    #  identifies the user, e.g. jsmith or
    #  Subjects can have multiple identifiers.  Note: it is nice to have if identifiers are unique
    #  even across sources.  Returns one result when searching for one identifier.
    # sql is the sql to search for the subject by identifier.  %TERM% will be subsituted by the identifier searched for = (& (cmuAndrewCommonNamespaceId=%TERM%) (objectclass=cmuPerson))
    # base dn to search in = ou=person,dc=cmu,dc=edu
    #   search: find subjects by free form search.  Returns multiple results.
    # sql is the sql to search for the subject by free form search.  %TERM% will be subsituted by the text searched for = (& (|(guid=%TERM%)(|(cn=*%TERM%*)(cmuAndrewCommonNamespaceId=*%TERM%*)))(objectclass=cmuPerson))
    # base dn to search in = ou=person,dc=cmu,dc=edu
    # attributes from ldap object to become subject attributes.  comma separated
    subjectApi.source.cmuDirectory.attributes = cn, guid, cmuAndrewCommonNamespaceId, mail
    # internal attributes are used by grouper only not exposed to code that uses subjects.  comma separated
    subjectApi.source.cmuDirectory.internalAttributes = searchAttribute0
  • sources.xml config
  <source adapterClass="edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.subj.GrouperJndiSourceAdapter">
    <name>CMU Directory</name>
    /// For filter use 
                (&amp; (guid=%TERM%) (objectclass=cmuPerson))
                (&amp; (cmuAndrewCommonNamespaceId=%TERM%) (objectclass=cmuPerson))
                (&amp; (|(guid=%TERM%)(|(cn=*%TERM%*)(cmuAndrewCommonNamespaceId=*%TERM%*)))(objectclass=cmuPerson))


    <!-- ///Attributes you would like to display when doing a search  -->
  • Set this in the
## LDAP connections
# specify the ldap connection with user, pass, url
# the string after "ldap." is the ID of the connection, and it should not have
# spaces or other special chars in it.  In this case is it "personLdap"

ldap.personLdap.url = ldap://,dc=edu
ldap.personLdap.user = 
ldap.personLdap.pass = 


LDAP Simple group

  • Create folder/group test:testGroup
  • Use new attribute framework to assign ldap loader
  • Text version:
test:testGroup:         grouperLoaderLdapDef
subject attribute name: guid
search base DN:         ou=person
quartz cron:            0 0 8 * * ?
filter:                 (& (cmuAndrewCommonNamespaceId=*dest*) (objectClass=cmuPerson))
server ID:              personLdap
type:                   LDAP_SIMPLE
  • If you want you can turn debug on in the = DEBUG
Run the loader job from GSH


gsh 0% grouperSession = GrouperSession.startRootSession(); 
gsh 1% loaderGroup = GroupFinder.findByName(grouperSession, "test:testGroup");
gsh 2% loaderRunOneJob(loaderGroup);
2013-06-02 16:47:28,725: [main] DEBUG GrouperLoaderType.syncOneGroupMembership(1926) -  - test:testGroup start syncing membership
2013-06-02 16:47:28,726: [main] DEBUG GrouperLoaderType.syncOneGroupMembership(1942) -  - test:testGroup syncing 13 rows
2013-06-02 16:47:28,733: [main] DEBUG GrouperLoaderType.syncOneGroupMembership(2055) -  - Done assigning privilege to related groups: test:testGroup
2013-06-02 16:47:28,881: [main] DEBUG GrouperLoaderType.syncOneGroupMembership(2149) -  - test:testGroup will add subject to group: CMU Directory/4A10366C-D7F4-11D5-8000-080020CC75D3, 1 of 13 subjects
2013-06-02 16:47:29,175: [main] DEBUG GrouperLoaderType.syncOneGroupMembership(2149) -  - test:testGroup will add subject to group: CMU Directory/00000000-0000-1000-3F70-0800207F02E6, 2 of 13 subjects
2013-06-02 16:47:29,301: [main] DEBUG GrouperLoaderType.syncOneGroupMembership(2149) -  - test:testGroup will add subject to group: CMU Directory/00000000-0000-1000-79FA-0800207F02E6, 3 of 13 subjects
2013-06-02 16:47:29,405: [main] DEBUG GrouperLoaderType.syncOneGroupMembership(2149) -  - test:testGroup will add subject to group: CMU Directory/2BF70E82-BD36-11D9-8000-0003BA2FA263, 4 of 13 subjects
2013-06-02 16:47:29,717: [main] DEBUG GrouperLoaderType.syncOneGroupMembership(2149) -  - test:testGroup will add subject to group: CMU Directory/07696C48-CBA2-11D9-8001-0003BA2FA263, 5 of 13 subjects
2013-06-02 16:47:29,854: [main] DEBUG GrouperLoaderType.syncOneGroupMembership(2149) -  - test:testGroup will add subject to group: CMU Directory/AE334D56-7E40-11DD-8001-0003BA2FA263, 6 of 13 subjects
2013-06-02 16:47:29,970: [main] DEBUG GrouperLoaderType.syncOneGroupMembership(2149) -  - test:testGroup will add subject to group: CMU Directory/1A97ED54-3C6D-11DE-8001-0003BA2FA263, 7 of 13 subjects
2013-06-02 16:47:30,267: [main] DEBUG GrouperLoaderType.syncOneGroupMembership(2149) -  - test:testGroup will add subject to group: CMU Directory/7404BCDC-9794-11DE-8001-0003BA2FA263, 8 of 13 subjects
2013-06-02 16:47:30,426: [main] DEBUG GrouperLoaderType.syncOneGroupMembership(2149) -  - test:testGroup will add subject to group: CMU Directory/293ABE32-109C-11DF-8000-0003BA2FA263, 9 of 13 subjects
2013-06-02 16:47:30,554: [main] DEBUG GrouperLoaderType.syncOneGroupMembership(2149) -  - test:testGroup will add subject to group: CMU Directory/8F2D682C-6261-11DF-8000-0003BA2FA263, 10 of 13 subjects
2013-06-02 16:47:30,841: [main] DEBUG GrouperLoaderType.syncOneGroupMembership(2149) -  - test:testGroup will add subject to group: CMU Directory/D6914E6E-E0D7-11DF-8001-00144F799A7A, 11 of 13 subjects
2013-06-02 16:47:30,991: [main] DEBUG GrouperLoaderType.syncOneGroupMembership(2149) -  - test:testGroup will add subject to group: CMU Directory/55F202B2-72F9-11E0-8001-00144F799A7A, 12 of 13 subjects
2013-06-02 16:47:31,099: [main] DEBUG GrouperLoaderType.syncOneGroupMembership(2149) -  - test:testGroup will add subject to group: CMU Directory/8B075248-925C-11E2-8000-00144F799A7A, 13 of 13 subjects
2013-06-02 16:47:32,211: [main] DEBUG GrouperLoaderType$10.callback(2256) -  - Group: test:testGroup add Subject id: 55F202B2-72F9-11E0-8001-00144F799A7A, sourceId: pennDirectory, alreadyAdded: false
2013-06-02 16:47:32,254: [main] DEBUG GrouperLoaderType$10.callback(2256) -  - Group: test:testGroup add Subject id: 00000000-0000-1000-3F70-0800207F02E6, sourceId: pennDirectory, alreadyAdded: false
2013-06-02 16:47:32,302: [main] DEBUG GrouperLoaderType$10.callback(2256) -  - Group: test:testGroup add Subject id: AE334D56-7E40-11DD-8001-0003BA2FA263, sourceId: pennDirectory, alreadyAdded: false
2013-06-02 16:47:32,346: [main] DEBUG GrouperLoaderType$10.callback(2256) -  - Group: test:testGroup add Subject id: 07696C48-CBA2-11D9-8001-0003BA2FA263, sourceId: pennDirectory, alreadyAdded: false
2013-06-02 16:47:32,402: [main] DEBUG GrouperLoaderType$10.callback(2256) -  - Group: test:testGroup add Subject id: 1A97ED54-3C6D-11DE-8001-0003BA2FA263, sourceId: pennDirectory, alreadyAdded: false
2013-06-02 16:47:32,447: [main] DEBUG GrouperLoaderType$10.callback(2256) -  - Group: test:testGroup add Subject id: 4A10366C-D7F4-11D5-8000-080020CC75D3, sourceId: pennDirectory, alreadyAdded: false
2013-06-02 16:47:32,486: [main] DEBUG GrouperLoaderType$10.callback(2256) -  - Group: test:testGroup add Subject id: 2BF70E82-BD36-11D9-8000-0003BA2FA263, sourceId: pennDirectory, alreadyAdded: false
2013-06-02 16:47:32,529: [main] DEBUG GrouperLoaderType$10.callback(2256) -  - Group: test:testGroup add Subject id: 8F2D682C-6261-11DF-8000-0003BA2FA263, sourceId: pennDirectory, alreadyAdded: false
2013-06-02 16:47:32,577: [main] DEBUG GrouperLoaderType$10.callback(2256) -  - Group: test:testGroup add Subject id: 00000000-0000-1000-79FA-0800207F02E6, sourceId: pennDirectory, alreadyAdded: false
2013-06-02 16:47:32,621: [main] DEBUG GrouperLoaderType$10.callback(2256) -  - Group: test:testGroup add Subject id: D6914E6E-E0D7-11DF-8001-00144F799A7A, sourceId: pennDirectory, alreadyAdded: false
2013-06-02 16:47:32,678: [main] DEBUG GrouperLoaderType$10.callback(2256) -  - Group: test:testGroup add Subject id: 293ABE32-109C-11DF-8000-0003BA2FA263, sourceId: pennDirectory, alreadyAdded: false
2013-06-02 16:47:32,721: [main] DEBUG GrouperLoaderType$10.callback(2256) -  - Group: test:testGroup add Subject id: 7404BCDC-9794-11DE-8001-0003BA2FA263, sourceId: pennDirectory, alreadyAdded: false
2013-06-02 16:47:32,769: [main] DEBUG GrouperLoaderType$10.callback(2256) -  - Group: test:testGroup add Subject id: 8B075248-925C-11E2-8000-00144F799A7A, sourceId: pennDirectory, alreadyAdded: false
2013-06-02 16:47:32,769: [main] INFO  GrouperLoaderType.syncOneGroupMembership(2301) -  - test:testGroup done syncing membership, processed 13 records.  Total members: 13, inserts: 13, deletes: 0
loader ran successfully, inserted 13 memberships, deleted 0 memberships, total membership count: 13


LDAP groups from attributes

  • Create folders / groups:        test:loader:testLdapSimple


  • text config
Attribute nameValue

Grouper loader LDAP group name expression

Grouper loader LDAP subject ID type subjectIdentifier
Grouper loader LDAP subject attribute name cmuAndrewCommonNamespaceId
Grouper loader LDAP search base DN ou=person
Grouper loader LDAP group attribute name cmuDepartment
Grouper loader LDAP source ID cmuDirectory
Grouper loader LDAP quartz cron0 0 8 * * ?
Grouper loader LDAP server IDpersonLdap
Grouper loader LDAP filter(&(objectClass=cmuPerson)(cmuAndrewId=al*)(|(cmuDepartment=Mechanical Engineering)(cmuDepartment=Biological Sciences)(cmuDepartment=English)))
Run the job



These groups / memberships were created



LDAP Group List

  • Setup group / folders:     test:loader:groupList
  • Setup attributes:

Text values:

Attribute nameValue

Grouper loader LDAP search base DN

Grouper loader LDAP group name expressiongroupList:${loaderLdapElUtils.convertDnToSpecificValue(groupAttributes['dn'])}
Grouper loader LDAP source IDcmuDirectory
Grouper loader LDAP subject expression${loaderLdapElUtils.convertDnToSpecificValue(subjectId)}
Grouper loader LDAP quartz cron0 0 8 * * ?
Grouper loader LDAP typeLDAP_GROUP_LIST
Grouper loader LDAP subject ID typesubjectId
Grouper loader LDAP server IDpersonLdap
Grouper loader LDAP subject attribute namemember
Grouper loader LDAP filter(&(objectClass=cmuGroup)(cn=softdist2:system*))

Run the job

See the results


  • No labels