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Grouper Community
Adopters, testers, campuses, contacts and other GM toolkits
- Brown U. - James Cramton, Steven Carmody (replaces "Brown Grouper")
- Case study - Oct-2007
- Cornell U. - Joy Veronneau, Andrea Beesing (replaces their "permit server")
- Duke U. - Klara Jelinkova, Shilen Patel, Celeste Copeland
- Case study - Oct-2007
- Ohio U. - Steve Langella - (a part of "GridGrouper")
Active Testing
- Internet2 - Michael Gettes, COManage
- Newcastle U. - Caleb Racey
- Rechen- und Kommunikationszentrum - RWTH Aachen - Petra Schmitz
- Rice U. - Paul Engle, Barry Ribbeck
- U. Memphis - Tom Zeller, Ed Koshland
- U. Pennsylvania - Chris Hyzer, Bill Kasenchar
- U. Washington - Jim Fox
Active/Feedback on Grouper mailings lists
- U. Washington - Jim Fox
- Tampere University of Technology - Martti Jokipii
- South China University of Technology - Allen Chen
Showing Interest
- Texas A&M - Susan Neitsch
- U. Kansas?
Other Groups Management tools
- Brown Grouper
- Cornell Permit Server
- Stanford Authority Manager