Valid for Grouper v2.6.19+

This is the non-lite wiki with more features

This is an example of how an institution would make a provisioner that is not included in the Grouper Provisioning Framework.  If you have something that is generic that others can leverage, maybe we should add it to the Grouper product.  If your needs are specific to your institution, this is what you need to do.

This example is based on requirements posted to the slack channel from University of Minnesota.

All the code is included in Grouper, so you can see the source code.  Though this provisioner is not enabled, it is intended as an example.

Example generic WS source code

Table of contents

WS spec

The first step is to identify and document the WS spec.  Proof of concepts of calling the WS could be done.

In this case there is one operation, a REPLACE of members for a group

It is assumed that authentication is basic auth.

HTTP method

PUT /path/endpoint/<SOURCE>/<ROLE>

HTTP body

<?xml version="1.0"?>

Design the target representation of objects

Plan out which operations of the WS will be used for Grouper and how.

There is one operation, so we will use that (smile)

The <SOURCE> will be configured for the provisioner instance.  If you want to provision to multiple sources, make another provisioner.  This is an assumption and could be metadata or based on a parent folder or whatever.

The <ROLE> will be the sole attribute of the target representation of the group.  We will translate this from the extension of the group.  Again this is an assumption.  Figure out how you want to translate based on your requirements.

Target group representation
rolegroup extensionThe provisioner will put this attribute in the role spot in the URL

The provisioning type will be membershipObjects.  We could have probably used groupAttributes, but this is what we did.  The membershipObject will have two attributes.

Target membership representation
rolegroup extensionThe provisioner needs this to differentiate memberships from one group to another.  Needs a tuple
netIDentity subjectIdentifierThe main subject identifier defaults to the subject source subjectIdentifier0.  Will make the XML based on these

We are not selecting or changing entities and there is a straight translation from grouper provisioning entities (subjectIdentifier0) so we don't need to define a target representation of entities.


provisioner.myGenericWs.addDisabledFullSyncDaemon = true
provisioner.myGenericWs.addDisabledIncrementalSyncDaemon = true
provisioner.myGenericWs.class =
provisioner.myGenericWs.customizeGroupCrud = true
provisioner.myGenericWs.customizeMembershipCrud = true
provisioner.myGenericWs.deleteGroups = false
provisioner.myGenericWs.deleteMemberships = false
provisioner.myGenericWs.genericProvisionerDaoClassName =
provisioner.myGenericWs.insertGroups = false
provisioner.myGenericWs.insertMemberships = false
provisioner.myGenericWs.logAllObjectsVerbose = true
provisioner.myGenericWs.membership2AdvancedOptions = true
provisioner.myGenericWs.membershipMatchingIdExpression = ${new('edu.internet2.middleware.grouperClient.collections.MultiKey', targetMembership.retrieveAttributeValueString('role'), targetMembership.retrieveAttributeValueString('netID'))}
provisioner.myGenericWs.numberOfGroupAttributes = 1
provisioner.myGenericWs.numberOfMembershipAttributes = 2
provisioner.myGenericWs.operateOnGrouperGroups = true
provisioner.myGenericWs.operateOnGrouperMemberships = true
provisioner.myGenericWs.provisioningType = membershipObjects
provisioner.myGenericWs.replaceMemberships = true
provisioner.myGenericWs.selectGroups = false
provisioner.myGenericWs.selectMemberships = false
provisioner.myGenericWs.showAdvanced = true
provisioner.myGenericWs.startWith = this is start with read only
provisioner.myGenericWs.subjectSourcesToProvision = jdbc = role
provisioner.myGenericWs.targetGroupAttribute.0.translateExpressionType = grouperProvisioningGroupField
provisioner.myGenericWs.targetGroupAttribute.0.translateFromGrouperProvisioningGroupField = extension = role
provisioner.myGenericWs.targetMembershipAttribute.0.translateExpressionType = grouperProvisioningGroupField
provisioner.myGenericWs.targetMembershipAttribute.0.translateFromGrouperProvisioningGroupField = extension = netID
provisioner.myGenericWs.targetMembershipAttribute.1.translateExpressionType = grouperProvisioningEntityField
provisioner.myGenericWs.targetMembershipAttribute.1.translateFromGrouperProvisioningEntityField = subjectIdentifier
provisioner.myGenericWs.updateGroups = false

There is specific configuration here that needs to be set that is referenced from the DAO.  We arbitrarily put this in, and used keys that will not be confused with other things.  Note in this case the configId has to match

exampleWs.myGenericWs.endpointPrefix = http://localhost:8080/grouper/mockServices/exampleWs
exampleWs.myGenericWs.userName = testUserName
exampleWs.myGenericWs.password = 123456
exampleWs.myGenericWs.source = testSource

Write the DAO

Here is the DAO

This is the code that connects the target to the provisioning framework in a minimal way.  The code to select/insert/update/delete/replace, whatever the target supports.  In this case it is only a replace

Assign provisionable

Run the daemon