This is an outdated wiki please see this instead

// add an ldap connection in
ldap.personLdap.url = ldap://,dc=edu

// add a table in the grouper database
CREATE TABLE some_test (
    uid varchar(255) PRIMARY KEY

// run a program to sync from ldap to sql (will run in gsh or java).  
// Note, in java you need to run GrouperStartup.startup() first, in GSH you dont need to do that

Set uidsInLdapSet = new HashSet(LdapSessionUtils.ldapSession().list(String.class, "personLdap", null, LdapSearchScope.SUBTREE_SCOPE, "(cmuAndrewId=hanq*)", "uid")); 

Set uidsInDatabaseSet = new HashSet(new edu.internet2.middleware.grouperClient.jdbc.GcDbAccess().connectionName("grouper").sql("select uid from some_test").selectList(String.class));

Set uidsToDelete = new HashSet(uidsInDatabaseSet);
System.out.println("deletions: " + uidsToDelete.size());
List batchBindVars = new ArrayList();
for (Object uidObject : uidsToDelete) { batchBindVars.add(GrouperUtil.toList(uidObject));}
new edu.internet2.middleware.grouperClient.jdbc.GcDbAccess().connectionName("grouper").sql("delete from some_test where uid = ?").batchBindVars(batchBindVars).executeBatchSql();

Set uidsToInsert = new HashSet(uidsInLdapSet);
System.out.println("insertions: " + uidsToInsert.size());
batchBindVars = new ArrayList();
for (Object uidObject : uidsToInsert) { batchBindVars.add(GrouperUtil.toList(uidObject));}
new edu.internet2.middleware.grouperClient.jdbc.GcDbAccess().connectionName("grouper").sql("insert into some_test (uid) values (?)").batchBindVars(batchBindVars).batchSize(1000).executeBatchSql();

Original program did not intelligently insert/update as needed

// add an ldap connection in
ldap.personLdap.url = ldap://,dc=edu

// add a table in the grouper database
CREATE TABLE some_test (
    uid varchar(255) PRIMARY KEY

// run a program to sync from ldap to sql (will run in gsh or java).  
// Note, in java you need to run GrouperStartup.startup() first, in GSH you dont need to do that

List uids = LdapSessionUtils.ldapSession().list(String.class, "personLdap", null, LdapSearchScope.SUBTREE_SCOPE, "(cmuAndrewId=hanq*)", "uid"); 
uids = new ArrayList(new LinkeHashSet(uids));
List batchBindVars = new ArrayList();
for (Object uidObject : uids) { batchBindVars.add(GrouperUtil.toList(uidObject));}
new GcDbAccess().connectionName("grouper").sql("delete from some_test").executeSql();
new GcDbAccess().connectionName("grouper").sql("insert into some_test (uid) values (?)").batchBindVars(batchBindVars).batchSize(1000).executeBatchSql();

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