It is important to know where you can obtain help or provide feedback before you begin. Grouper is community driven product. When contacting through any of the methods below, please include as much information as possible such as version and patches you are running, any relevant logs, any relevant configuration, what you were doing at the time, and what you are trying to accomplish.
Currently the Grouper Project mainly uses a community Slack channel for discussion.
Ask the community
The community slack channel is full of very responsive and experienced users including the Grouper developers. If you are unsure if you have encountered a bug or are just having issues, you can send a message to the #incommon-grouper slack channel.
Make a request to subscribe the to the Grouper Slack channel here.
Bugs & Feature Requests
Feedback on Grouper, such as bugs, suggestions, or feature requests can be put straight into the Grouper JIRA. If you do not have access to Jira, slack Chris Hyzer with a request.
Grouper Security Issues
Slack Chris Hyzer directly about security incidents.
To be notified of security impacts to grouper subscribe to the Grouper-Announce mailing list.
Grouper Mailing Lists
- Grouper-Announce email list, a low-traffic list to receive news and important announcements around security and releases. - Grouper-Developers email list, for those interested in discussion of Grouper development plans and issues
As of 2022, please use InCommon-Grouper Slack instead of the Grouper-Developers email list or refer to the roadmap - Grouper-Users email list, a former option for community responses to deployment issues.
As of 2022, please use InCommon-Grouper Slack instead of the Grouper-Users email list for any support issues.
Slack is a better forum in many ways, and the development team needs to focus their efforts there.
Issues posted to Grouper-Users mailing list will not receive a response from the Grouper development team.