InCommon Deployment Profile Working Group
The Deployment Profile Working Group will:
Develop a Deployment Profile that describes REQUIRED and RECOMMENDED practices for IDPs and SPs operating in the Higher Education and Research community. This profile could be layered on the existing saml2int profile, but that is just one option. However, the group should choose an approach that works best.
- If necessary and desireable, this Working Group will facilitate an effort to further evolve the current SAML2int profile.
- Identify which of these standards could be tested by InCommon if the federation wanted to insure full profile compliance by participants
The Interop Issues List created in FedInterop Round 1 can serve as point of departure for this work.
Working Group Chair: Keith Wessel (kwessel at illinois dot edu)
Working Group Flywheel: Nick Roy (nroy at internet2 dot edu)
Email list:
Email list archives:
Call schedule: Met weekly on Thursdays from noon-1:00 p.m. US Eastern Time
Connection information:
Report from this Working Group: Final Report of the InCommon Deployment Profile Working Group
Scribing doc/rolling agenda:
Working Group Update, August 24, 2017
The working group has finished discussion of all the outstanding issues documented on the Detailed Discussions and Consensus Development page and its child pages. The group will now start to write normative requirements, based on the consensus documents, for an updated version of saml2int. Scott Cantor is advancing a proposal for SAML protocol-level (OASIS SSTC committee spec) identifiers - pairwise and general subject identifier flavors that can be advertised as supported by IdPs, and requested by SPs. The intent is for the updated saml2int to refer to this OASIS SSTC committee spec.
Working Group Update, July 5, 2017
The working group has set a new earlier call time to allow for easier international participation. The new call time will be Thursdays at 1 p.m. ET, starting with the July 13th call. We are working towards wrapping up our discussion of identifiers and preparing a request for assistance from MACE-Dir with the creation of two new identifiers.
Working Group Update, January 11, 2018
The working group has categorized and refined the list of issues into issues which may be contributed to saml2int, are for an InCommon-specific or Research and Education federations-specific deployment profile, and issues which are for consideration by federations/federation operators. We have a few 'tough nut to crack' issues which will require extensive discussion before we can formulate additional material for deployment profile consideration. These issues are documented at: Detailed Discussions and Consensus Development
Working Group Update, July 25, 2018
The working group is resolving issues brought forward within the community consultation period. A draft of the group's resolutions and responses is available at Consultation for SAML V2.0 Interoperability Deployment Profile V2.0.
Working Group Update, August 2, 2018
The working group has scheduled calls for the community to discuss the results of the feedback which has been considered (and in many cases resulted in changes) in the updated version of the profile (source). Responses/disposition of comments are documented at the community consultation feedback page.
Working Group Update, May 7, 2019
The working group final report was approved by InCommon Steering on May 6, 2019
See Also
Detailed Discussion and Consensus Development (includes consensus documents as child pages)
April 2019 Blog: Federation Interoperability Deployment Profile Moves to Kantara for Standardization
SAMLv2.0 Implementation Profile for Federation Interoperability
InCommon Federation Interop Working Group home
Deployment Profile - Interop Issues List
Deployment Profile - Categorized Issues List
Deployment Profile - Outstanding Issues List