- Mark Cather – University of Maryland, Baltimore County
- J. Scot Ransbottom – Virginia Tech
- Donna Tatro – Princeton University
Scope Statement:
Develop an architecture and implementation approach to enable “End to end trust and security” for the Research & Education community
Leverage existing resources and capabilities including TIER and InCommon
Address trust, identity, privacy, physical & cyber security, compliance, etc.
Potential areas for innovation
End to End Trust and Security for IOT
TIPPSS – Trust, Identity, Privacy, Protection, Security, Safety
- SDP (Software Defined Perimeter)
- Network Segmentation
Some related initiatives
- Many individual member institution programs
- InCommon, TIER, NET+, Internet2 CCSO initiatives
- External organizations e.g., NIST, Cloud Security Alliance, the International Association of Privacy Professionals