Table | cm_co_settings |
Description | Per-CO configuration settings |
Column | Format | Description | Definition | Comments |
id | integer, primary key | Row identifier | autoincrement | |
co_id | integer, foreign key | CO Record ID | cm_cos:id | |
co_theme_id | integer, foreign key | Theme to use by default for this CO | cm_co_themes:id | When specified for the COmanage CO, will also apply as platform default theme |
co_dashboard_id | integer, foreign key | Primary Dashboard for this CO | cm_co_dashboards:id | Added Registry v3.2.0 |
enable_nsf_demo | boolean | Whether or not to enable NSF demographics tracking |
| |
disable_expiration | boolean | Whether or not expirations may be run automatically |
| |
disable_ois_sync | boolean | Whether or not Org Identity syncs may be run automatically |
| |
enable_normalization | boolean | Whether or not to enable normalizations |
| |
enable_empty_cou | boolean | Whether or not to permit empty COUs |
| Added Registry v3.3.0 |
group_validity_sync_window | integer | For reprovisioning based on CoGroupMember validity dates, the "look back" window, in minutes, or 0 to disable | See Registry Validity Dates and Registry Job Shell Added in Registry v3.2.0 | |
invitation_validity | integer | For invitations used as part of default enrollment, the length of time (in minutes) the invitation is valid for | See also cm_co_enrollment_flows:invitation_validity | |
permitted_fields_name | varchar(160) | A comma separated list of which of name fields are permitted | ||
required_fields_addr | varchar(160) | A comma separated list of which of address fields are required | See also cm_cmp_enrollment_attributes:required_fields | |
required_fields_name | varchar(160) | A comma separated list of which of name fields are required | See also cm_cmp_enrollment_attributes:required_fields | |
person_picker_email_type | varchar(160) | The type of email to use in the people picker JavaScript widget | Added in Registry v4.1.0 | |
person_picker_identifier_type | varchar(160) | The type of identifier to use in the people picker JavaScript widget | Added in Registry v4.1.0 | |
person_picker_display_types | boolean | Whether or not to display email and identifier type labels in the people picker JavaScript widget |
| Added in Registry v4.1.0 |
t_and_c_login_mode | varchar(2) | How to handle unacknowledged Terms and Conditions at login |
| |
sponsor_eligibility | varchar(2) | What CO People are eligible to be sponsors |
| |
sponsor_co_group_id | integer, foreign key | If sponsor_eligibility is CO Group Member, the group of eligible sponsors | cm_co_groups:id | |
default_co_pipeline_id | integer, foreign ey | Pipeline to run for Org Identities if no other Pipeline applies | cm_co_pipelines:id | |
elect_strategy_primary_name | varchar(2) | Election strategy for Primary Name |
| |
theme_stacking | varchar(2) | Whether to enable Theme Stacking within this CO. |
| Added in Registry v4.0.0 |
global_search_limit | integer | Maximum number of records per model to return via global search | Must be a positive integer, cannot be disabled (but can be set very large) Added in Registry v4.0.0 |