2013-08-19 scrum call


  • Benn Oshrin
  • Marie Hunyh
  • Heather Flanagan


  • Scott Koranda

Items covered for this sprint

  • jira tickets listed here


  • What have you done since the previous call?
    • Benn: CO-311 (attributes via SAML); likely to work on this for the next few weeks because the components tie in to a great deal of older code
    • Marie: working on the same stuff in CO-643
  • What are you planning to do between now and the next call?
    • Benn: CO-311
    • Marie: finish up CO-6443 (noting the caveat of work below in stumbling blocks)
  • Any impediments/stumbling blocks?
    • Benn: At some point will need to coordinate with Scott re: end to end testing, but that's likely to happen right around the F2F in NYC
    • Marie: not sure if she needs to refactor code, or just get the code working; Benn's proposal is that this is a fairly significant amount of work (to adjust the model to return the extended attributes and to do the necessary testing), so cut a ticket that says "CO Person Role model should (but does not) return extended attributes" and then proceed with this w/o any extended attributes

2013-08-23 dev call - Cancelled due to illness and lack of topics

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