2012-06-04 scrum call


  • Benn
  • Marie
  • Scott

Items covered for this sprint

  • jira tickets listed here
    • 14 tickets total, 0 resolved, 5 in progress


  1. What have you done since the previous call?
    • Benn - some progress on CO-344
    • Marie - work on CO-352, back/cancel button
    • Scott - nothing since last call
  2. What are you planning to do between now and the next call?
    • Benn - more work on CO-344
    • Marie - more on CO-352, back/cancel button
    • Scott - no time expected this week
  3. Any impediments/stumbling blocks?
    • Benn - time
    • Marie - need to talk to Scott about CO-181 (counsel delegates)
    • Scott - time

2012-06-06 escrum


  1. What have you done since the previous call?
    • Marie - CO352 - reading cake docs; CO181 - talked to Scott and updated ticket with requirements; MyLigo testing; more Django tutorials
  2. What are you planning to do between now and the next call?
    **Marie - CO352 - figure out how to customize the email configuration file, which should be done via the setup shell? CO181 - put a mockup together
  3. Any impediments/stumbling blocks?
    Marie - need to figure out how setup shell works

2012-06-08 dev call


  • Heather
  • Benn
  • Marie
  • Scott

Items covered for this sprint

  • jira tickets listed here


  • What have you done since the previous call?
    • Benn - not much progress; revised the demo outline for VAMP; revamped the documentation around different enrollment flows that we're supporting and how to make them happen
    • Marie - CO-352 and CO-181 progress
    • Scott - some slightly out-of-band work on kerberos integration
  • What are you planning to do between now and the next call?
    • Benn - JASIG conference; wants to finish up CO-344
    • Marie - continue work on CO-352 and CO-181
    • Scott - work on papers
  • Any impediments/stumbling blocks?
    • Benn - time
    • Marie - no major stumbling blocks
    • Scott - time

Dev business

  • Provisioning design and general provisioning strategies
    • LIGO's need to provision kerberos and LDAP (Grouper also but it will happen in an other way and when Scott's work is done on the Grouper bits, that should handle the initial Grouper use case); technically we have an LDAP solution but it is not recommended (configure LDAP to read the database); we want a mechanism to transform information in the Registry to LDAP (non trivial but well understood; someone must have done something we can use); kerberos will be a special case that will be a plugin (possibly a Cake plugin)
    • need an architecture diagram that shows the flow of information and shows branches of what we intend to have happen in the future (assigned to Benn)
    • Account management - does this mean anything other writing to LDAP/Kerberos? no
  • From Tom Barton: "First the bad news. We did not implement the unix GID stuff - no partner org showed up with an interest in helping us build that out. So it's still on the roadmap. Might comanage be that partner at some point? "
    • this isn't of interest to COmanage, but LIGO would be interested (Scott to drop Tom a note)
  • CO-181 design and timeline
    • will this be useful for COmanage or is this really more a LIGO thing? currently this sounds like a very LIGO-specific thing, but it a useful use case to determine how a CO could add a plugin that would let this tool have the same look and feel for the user; the Cake PHP plugin mechanism is probably just right for this in terms of architecture
  • Conext demo requirements - Benn and Heather need to review
  • Optimization - Benn suggest that we not optimize and go with a simpler implementation with lower overhead that won't flow as well but is reasonable for 1.0


  • this is the last call that Scott will be on for June (vacation + meeting in Europe)
  • No labels