In Registry v4, Group Ownership is managed via a CoGroupMembership with the owner flag set to true. The initial PE implementation created a separate group_owners table to manage ownership, however a more flexible approach would be to allow groups to own other groups.


  1. A new special Group Type Owners will be added.
  2. When a new Group is created, a corresponding Owners Group will also be created.
    1. For namespacing purposes, the Owners Group will be named using the pattern CO:owners:foo, or CO:COU:cou-name:owners:foo.
    2. Owners Groups would not get further Owners Groups, ie CO:owners:foo would not get a further CO:owners:owners:foo Group created. Management of the Owners Groups is restricted to CO Administrators, COU Administrators (for Groups with an associated COU foreign key), and current Members of the Owners Group.
    3. Automatic groups will not get an associated Owners Group.
  3. Transmogrification will migrate v4 Group Owners to this new structure, and will create new owners Groups for all eligible CO Groups.

See Also

  • CO-2508 Allow groups to own other groups
  • No labels