Why Is It Called "Offboarding" and Not "Un-enrollment"?
"Enrollment" is the process of bringing identities into the Registry. We don't recommend removing identities from the Registry (except if they were added in error), which would be the opposite of enrollment. Instead, we use the term "Offboarding" to describe processes associated with removing people from your organization.
Enrollment (the process of adding someone to the Registry) implies onboarding (the process of adding someone to your organization), but offboarding (the process of removing someone from your organization) does not imply un-enrollment (the process of removing someone from the Registry).
Registry Offboarding assumes up to two approvals may be needed. The first is a status change approval, which can be automated (as for expirations) or manual (as for terminations or resignations). The second is an "exit approval", which is the verification that all exit related steps have been completed (eg: all keys have been returned and a final paycheck may be issued).
Grace Periods
The duration of grace periods can vary according the many factors, including the affiliation of the individual, the termination type, and the service to which the grace period is applied (email, wikis, etc). As far as the Registry is concerned, the Grace Period status must be the longest of an individual's eligible grace periods.
Expiration (Friendly, Involuntary)
- Prior to Valid-Through date, notifications for renewal sent to administrators and/or individual.
- Valid-Through date is reached. (This can apply both to limited term and open ended appointments (eg: in the event of a layoff). For the latter, the valid-through date is simply set once known.)
- Exit Approval.
- Status becomes "Expired, Grace Period".
- Deprovisioning occurs according to grace periods.
- Status becomes "Expired".
Termination (Unfriendly, Involuntary)
- Status becomes "Terminated".
- Deprovisioning occurs.
- Exit Approval.
Resignation (Friendly, Voluntary)
- Exit Approval.
- Status becomes "Resigned, Grace Period".
- Deprovisioning occurs according to grace periods.
- Status becomes "Resigned".
Desertion (Unfriendly, Voluntary)
Treated as either Termination or Resignation, at the discretion of the administrator.
Retirement (Friendly, Voluntary)
- Exit Approval.
- Status becomes "Retired, Grace Period".
- Deprovisioning occurs according to grace periods.
- Status becomes "Retired". Some privileges may remain.
Leave of Absence (Friendly, Voluntary)
- Leave Dates set.
- Deprovisioning occurs.
- Return date reached.
- Re-provisioning occurs.
See Also: Expiration Policies