This document describes minimum versions and other requirements for Registry v5.0.0 and later.

Beginning with Registry v5.0.0, only the currently supported versions of dependent software will be supported by the project.

  • For PHP, this is typically the current stable release and the two previous minor releases.
  • For Postgres, this is typically five years after the initial release of each major version.
  • For MariaDB, this is typically five years after the initial release of each major version.
  • Because Oracle's support policy for MySQL revolves around paying Oracle for support, no specific statement can be made about MySQL versions. The COmanage Project may be unable to provide support for older versions of MySQL.


Database Server

  • In general, use a supported version of Postgres, MariaDB, or MySQL.
    • CakePHP 5 requires Postgres 9.6+, MariaDB 10.1+, or MySQL 5.7+.
    • DBAL 4 requires Postgres 9.4+, MariaDB 10.4+, or MySQL 5.7+. Registry uses DBAL for schema management, so installing or updating the database schema requires these versions.
  • See also: New Registry Setup
  • No labels