Internet2 and the COmanage Project are pleased to announce the release of COmanage Registry version 4.4.0. This release is a feature release, which introduces several new capabilities and improvements, including:

This release also includes numerous bug fixes. Full release notes are available at Release History.

A Security Advisory is being posted along with this release.  All deployments should review the advisory to determine if any action is warranted. Further details are posted to the COmanage Registry Security Advisories page.

Upgrade notes can be found here.

The project roadmap is available at COmanage Product Roadmap.

COmanage Registry v4.4.0 was made possible by contributions from several organizations, in addition to ongoing funding via Internet2 and CILogon. The project would like to thank:

  • Indiana University (UITS)
  • MSU (Humanities Commons)
  • SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory

For further information about COmanage, including a list of funders, and to download the software, please visit: and

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