Internet2 and the COmanage Project are pleased to announce the release of COmanage Registry version 4.1.0. This release is a feature release, the first feature release since October 2021. This release introduces several new capabilities, including
- ApiSource Accepts Multiple Roles
- CoreAPI Improvements
- Elector Data Filter
- Enrollment Flow Integration with ID Match
- Identifier Assignment Plugins
- Manager Data Model Element
- Match Callback on Resolution
- Novi Organizational Identity Source
- OIS Data Filters
- Recovery Widget
- Sponsor Renewal Widget
- SqlSource
- Person Vetting
- Service Eligibility Plugin
- Container Refactoring
This release also includes numerous bug fixes. Full release notes are available at Release History.
ADVISORY: We recommend not upgrading to Registry v4.1.0 if your deployment uses a MySQL database in conjunction with Registry. We have identified an issue in this situation and we are working to correct it.
Upgrade notes can be found here.
The project roadmap is available at COmanage Product Roadmap.
COmanage Registry v4.1.0 was made possible by contributions from several organizations, in addition to ongoing funding via Internet2. The project would like to thank
- The CILogon Project and the University of Illinois
- Lafayette College
- Michigan State University/Humanities Commons
- The National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
- The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID, part of the National Institutes of Health) and NET ESOLUTIONS
- Southern Methodist University
- Stanford Linear Accelerator Center National Accelerator Laboratory
- The University of California San Diego
For further information about COmanage, including a list of funders, and to download the software, please visit: and