Person Role Mapper is a Pipeline Plugin designed to modify Person Role attributes generated from a corresponding External Identity Role obtained via an External Identity Source.


  1. Person Role Mapper is part of the PipelineToolkit Registry Plugin, which must be activated.
  2. After defining a suitable Pipeline, select Flanges from the Pipeline configuration page, and then (plus) Add a New Flange.
    1. Set the Flange status to Build Person Role. Person Role Mapper does not support other Integration Points.
    2. Set the Plugin to PipelineToolkit.PersonRoleMappers.
    3. When defining multiple Flanges for Build Person Role, pay careful attention to the Flange order. Later Flanges can overwrite changes made by earlier Flanges.
  3. After the Flange is created, define one or more Person Role Mappings from the Plugin configuration page.
    1. Select (plus) Add a New Person Role Mapping.
    2. Select the desired Attribute to examine (see below for more details), and the appropriate comparison test.
    3. Select the desired Target COU or Target Affiliation Type to be assigned if the specified comparison matches. Either or both values may be assigned.
    4. When defining multiple Mappings, pay careful attention to the Mapping order. All configured Mappings will be run in the specified order, so later Mappings can overwrite values assigned by earlier Mappings.

Comparison Attributes

Person Role Mapper supports specific attributes on the External Identity Role for comparison tests:

  • Ad Hoc Attribute Value: Only AdHoc Attributes from the External Identity Role being examined (not Ad Hoc Attributes from other External Identity Roles, or from the External Identity itself) can be used for comparison. An Ad Hoc Attribute Tag must be specified, only Ad Hoc Attributes with that Tag will be examined. The corresponding Ad Hoc Attribute Value will be tested. All standard comparisons are supported.
  • External Identity Role Affiliation: An exact match for the specified External Identity Role Affiliation is required.
  • External Identity Role Department: Supports all standard comparisons.
  • External Identity Role Organization: Supports all standard comparisons.
  • External Identity Role Title: Supports all standard comparisons.

Target Attributes

Person Role Mapper supports updating the following attributes on the Person Role being assembled:

  • Target Affiliation Type: The Person Role will be assigned the specified Affiliation Type.
  • Target COU: The Person Role will be assigned to the specified COU.

See Also

Changes From Earlier Versions

As of Registry v5.0.0

  • Person Role Mapper is available.
  • No labels