About Mostly Static Pages

Mostly Static Pages allow for the presentation of simple content such as policy documents, error messages, or help information, with the look and feel of Registry.

Do not use this mechanism for accessing the Registry database. Only present public, generally static information, otherwise you risk compromising Registry security and exposing restricted information.

If you need to work with Registry content, you most likely need to write a Registry Plugin.

Creating a Mostly Static Page

Create a new Mostly Static Page via ALLConfigurationMostly Static Pages > (plus) Add a New Mostly Static Page. Several fields are used to define the Page:

  • Title: The page title will render at the top of the page, and in the browser tab or title bar.
  • Slug: The slug is used to construct the URL for the page, and must be unique within the CO (AR-MostlyStaticPage-1) and consist only of lowercase alphanumeric characters and dashes (-) (AR-MostlyStaticPage-2).
  • Context: Contexts are currently advisory only and do not have any practical impact, however this may change in a future release.

The Body of the Mostly Static Page will be rendered on page delivery. Currently, HTML tags are permitted, however this may become subject to a platform-wide setting in a future release.

Images and Other Media

Images and other media are not currently supported.

Dynamic Content Using PHP

Dynamic content using PHP is not currently supported.

Viewing Mostly Static Pages

Once the slug for a Page is defined in the configuration, the Page Display URL will be available immediately below. This is the URL to view the page. The format for the URL is generally $REGISTRY/<coid>/<slug>.

(info) Mostly Static Pages are public, no authentication is required to view the them.

Default Mostly Static Pages

Several default Pages are established when a new CO is created, including

  • default-handoff: Used when an Enrollment Flow switches from one Actor type to another.
  • duplicate-landing: Used an a Petition has been identified as a duplicate.
  • error-landing: Used when an error occurs but Registry does not have any other place to send the user.
  • petition-complete: Used when a Petition has completed, via Finalization or Invitation decline.

It is possible to edit the content (title and body) of Default Pages, but they cannot be renamed or deleted (AR-MostlyStaticPage-3).

See Also

Changes From Earlier Versions

As of Registry v5.1.0

  • Mostly Static Pages are available as a standard data model element, and no longer require access to the filesystem.

Mostly Static Pages were not available in Registry v5.0.x.

  • No labels