Internet2 and the COmanage Project are today announcing the release of COmanage Match version 1.0.0. This release is the first feature release. COmanage Match provides a heuristic based system for matching identity records across multiple authoritative systems of record. This release includes the following capabilities:
- Support for the TAP Identity Match Protocol
- Multi-tenancy
- Configurable canonical and potential rules based, including distance (transposition) checking and mapping (dictionary comparisons)
- Bulk loading initial data
- Administrative UI for management of match data
- Notifications on potential matches
- Basic UI for resolution of potential matches
COmanage Match can be deployed independently from (and does not require the use of) COmanage Registry. However, deployments using both components should run COmanage Registry v4.0.0 or later, which includes improved support for integration with the ID Match API.
Full release notes are available at
COmanage Match v1.0.0 was made possible by initial funding as part of Internet2's TIER initiative. The Project would like to thank The University of California San Diego for additional funding towards the v1.0.0 release. We would also like to thank the early adopters for assistance in testing.
COmanage is funded by Internet2, the CILogon Project, Spherical Cow Group, and other sources. For further information about COmanage, including a list of funders, and to download the software, please visit: and