The Email Verifier is an Enrollment Flow Plugin that verifies Email Addresses associated with the Petition


  1. When adding a new Enrollment Flow Step, the Plugin is CoreEnroller.EmailVerifiers.
  2. The Actor Type should be Enrollee.
  3. Additional configurations are described below.

(info) Although the Email Verifier can be instantiated multiple times, the recommended pattern is to instantiate it only once, after all Email Addresses that might be verified have been collected.

Email Verification Mode

The Email Verification Mode determines the minimum number of Email Addresses that must be verified in order for the Step to be completed.

  • None: No Email Addresses need to be verified. This may be suitable for "rapid signups" where verification can be performed later, or where an External Identity Source is expected to provide a verified address.
  • One: At least one Email Address must be verified. The Enrollee may verify any remaining Email Addresses before proceeding, but is not required to. See more details in Usage, below, regarding the Enrollee Email address.
  • All: The Enrollee must verify all Email Addresses associated with the Petition before proceeding.

Message Template

Email Verification requires the use of a Message Template to send a verification code to the Enrollee. The Message Template must use the Verification Context, and should use the (@VERIFICATION_CODE) substitution somewhere within the Message Body.

Request Validity

Email Verification requests are valid for the duration specified (in minutes) by this configuration. (If the request expires, the Enrollee can simply try again to request a new one.)


When the Enrollment Flow transitions to the Email Verification step, a list of Email Addresses associated with the Petition is assembled. This includes

If the Enrollment Flow handed off to the Enrollee from another Actor Type (presumably the Petitioner), the Email Address used for that hand off (presumably the Enrollee Email address) will automatically be considered verified. Any other addresses returned by the other Plugins will be considered unverified.

The Enrollee may verify an Email Address by selecting it, which will cause an email to be sent to that address using the configured Message Template. The Enrollee will then be prompted for the code in the message. The Enrollee may try again in the event of an error.

Once the Enrollee has verified the minimum number of email addresses required by the Email Verification Mode, the Step may be completed.

If the Email Verification Mode is set to One, it is possible for the finalized Person record to end up with no verified Email Addresses. This can happen if

  • An invitation style flow is used, causing the Enrollee Email to be flagged as verified via handoff.
  • The Petitioner or Enrollee enters a different address during an Attribute Collector step.
  • The Enrollee elects not to verify that alternate address.

The Enrollee Email is not automatically added to the Person record at finalization, so in this case the alternate Email Address will be the only address added to the Person record, and it will be unverified. To require the alternate address to be verified, use Email Verification Mode All instead.

See Also

Changes From Earlier Versions

As of Registry v5.1.0

  • Email Verification has been decoupled from invitation acceptance and handoffs.
  • Email Verification is code based.

Email Verifier was not available in Registry v5.0.x.

  • No labels