Complex attributes are made up of several sub-attributes. For example, the Name attribute consists of honorific, given, middle, family, and suffix sub-attributes (as well as various metadata, such as language, type, and primary). It is possible to configure which sub-attributes are required and permitted when adding or editing certain complex attributes.

Required Subattributes

This functionality is currently supported for Names and Addresses.

There are two places to set this configuration. The first is the CO-wide setting, which will affect the fields required during day-to-day adding and editing of complex attributes. This setting is accessed via CO Settings. However, if enrollment flows are in use, the required fields are set on a per-attribute per-enrollment flow basis. The default CO setting does not affect enrollment flows.

Note that the required fields can only be changed for CO Person-attached attributes. The CO-wide setting does not affect attributes attached to Organizational Identities.

Permitted Subattributes

This functionality is currently supported for Names, only.

Permitted sub-attributes are a CO-wide setting, and this setting does affect enrollment flows (CO-1056). As for required sub-attributes, the permitted fields can only be changed for CO Person-attached attributes. The CO-wide setting does not affect attributes attached to Organizational Identities.

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