Confirm a CoInvite.
Request Format
Method |
Request Body |
Response Format
HTTP Status |
Response Body |
Description |
CoInvite confirmed and deleted |
CoInvite points to an unknown CoPerson |
ErrorResponse with details in |
An error in one or more provided fields |
Authentication required |
The CoInvite expired and is no longer valid |
Unknown error |
Decline a CoInvite.
Request Format
Method |
Request Body |
Response Format
HTTP Status |
Response Body |
Description |
CoInvite declined and deleted |
CoInvite points to an unknown CoPerson |
ErrorResponse with details in |
An error in one or more provided fields |
Authentication required |
The CoInvite expired and is no longer valid |
Unknown error |
Send a CoInvite for a CO to an Org Identity.
Request Format
Method |
Request Body |
Response Format
HTTP Status |
Response Body |
Description |
NewObjectResponse with |
CoInvite created and sent. Note that the ID returned is the row record ID and not the one time password sent to the invitee. |
CoInvite Request not provided in POST body |
ErrorResponse with details in |
An error in one or more provided fields |
The Org Identity has no known email addresses and so no invite can be sent |
Authentication required |
Unknown error |
The invite was unable to be sent |
- Response format requested is ignored where response is only via HTTP status, but must still be provided.
See Also
- cm_co_invites data model definition
- CoPersonRole API