Scribing Template --Tues., Nov 12, 2013 at 10:45am -- Santa Clara

TOPIC: Account Linking, Part I

See also Account Linking Part II

CONVENER: Roland Hedberg

SCRIBE: Adele Guerzon

# of ATTENDEES: 15


Lead by Roland. He is leading a European project to do account linking.
Need to prove that multiple accounts link to one person.  How do you tie multiple accounts to one person?
Often credit/service associated with one account along with other account credits need to be retained.
Roland mentioned a project called 'Orcid' to link accounts.
Some discussion around the need and usage of linking accounts. Both accounts within the campus and outside of the campus. Also, discussed use (borrowing) of attributes.  
Because we have multiple identities (Campus, Facebook, etc.), we will have multiple accounts.  A service that links our multiple accounts could be a problem when a service provider recycles User ID's.
Discussed account linking and process and procedures around comprised accounts. State laws and actions on compromised accounts may not mix so actions probably could not be federated.
A good example on use was for Continuing Education.
Indiana University has let students keep their email for life and looking back at the last 6 years, only 1% have continued to use their university email account. 
To some it up, there are some good use cases on linking accounts and some concerns around the benefits. Could depend on the campus, services offered and timeframe (enrolled vs graduated)


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