Notes from End of ACAMP Wrap Up

Wed, Nov 13, 2013

See notes from end of Day 1 of ACAMP

Size of ACAMP
-Number of attendees: Is this year's attendance (145) the right size?
- we turned a number of folks away
-Should we organize to go larger?
-Many interesting topics got shoved together; these could have been topics on their own if we had more rooms and more people
-There are up to 300 people at some other UnConference
-We had 5 breakouts per timeslot, but other UnConferences have 8-10 breakouts per timeslots, plus corners where ad hoc meetings take place
- It just requires having more rooms
-Note: Discussions work better with fewer people in the room, the rooms with 30 had better discussions than the large conf room.
-It will work out with a larger number of attendees overall, we should go for it and see what happens

Timing and Location

-Locate meeting in Hawaii
-Keep the timing near to the  IETF meeting

Order and mix of events
Shel: There would be benefits to having CAMP first and let new people lurk at ACAMP, to nurture seed corn
Chris Phillips: Good to have the juxtaposition of the different events within Identity Week. For global work this is especially helpful.

Streaming and Recording

-Stream some sessions to remote participants, so people can listen in and participate via social media
-Biggest frustration of ACAMP is could not be at two places at once
-Good if we could record for those who can't attend
-Disadvantage: when a session is being recorded this can take away from the frankness,

Creating Sessions/ Building Agenda/ Making Agenda Clear

- It can be problematic if people come to ACAMP pre-loaded with slides
-You get an energy from UnConference and you don't want to structure too much
- Some of us came with particular topics, and that is helpful
-It was challenging to know what would be discussed at the sessions, especially combined sessions
-Having more info up--front on the sessions Is good
-Put the schedule up on a few big screens in central area

-Would be good if we could make the start of ACAMP less chaotic


-It would be helpful to have mentors/buddies for people new to ACAMP or Identity management
-Mentors can provide advice on which sessions to go to

-Some sessions were slow to get a scribe
-Suggestion to use professional scribes, instead of relying on volunteers, if possible

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