
Driven by new research practices in the digital era, new data management requirements by funders and economies of scale in digital storage, enterprise architecture is increasingly engaging in the research domain.  For many architects, this is uncharted territory due in part to the largely decentralized practices, and to the higher priorities given to administration and teaching and learning.  Research data are valuable assets to universities; research enterprise systems are expanding to meet growing demand; and university leaders are giving increasing priority to research data management.

In this meeting, we will focus on research data as an enterprise concern touching on various aspects. These could include any of the following:

  • Data acquisition from instrumentation and surveys - raw capture and storage

  • Data management and curation - data workflow and documentation - data cleanup, data set joins, data modeling, instrumentation documentation, software documentation, process documentation,lab notebooks, etc.

  • Data publication to support published works - access, institutional repositories, disciplinary repositories, data packaging, metadata, curation services, etc.

  • Data governance and policy - stewardship, access, retention, reporting, compliance, etc.

Discussion might touch on best practices for repos, interoperability standards to support federation, governance structures, and others areas of interest.

The meeting  will include speakers from UW and Yale and follow with a discussion of research data concerns or points of interest at other institutions. 

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